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About the organisation

Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research’s core purpose is to drive innovation in the management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources.
We are responsible for four National Outcomes, to:
- Improve the measurement, management and protection of New Zealand’s terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, including those in the conservation estate.
- Achieve the sustainable use of land resources and their ecosystem services across catchments and sectors.
- Improve the measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gases from the terrestrial biosphere.
- Increase the ability of New Zealand industries and organisations to develop within environmental limits and meet market and community requirements.
We have 7 science portfolios that work closely with central and local government, private sector businesses and organisations, and Māori organisations. We collaborate extensively with other leading research organisations in New Zealand and around the world, and achieve high standards of science excellence – the impact of our published papers is well above global and national averages.
Manaaki Whenua is a Crown research institute (CRI), one of seven in New Zealand. CRIs were formed in 1992 as independent companies that are owned by, and accountable to, the New Zealand Government. Our shareholders are the Minister of Finance and Minister of Science and Innovation.
We have approximately 330 staff at nine locations across New Zealand, including a subsidiary, Enviro-Mark Solutions at Lincoln and Auckland. We collaborate extensively with other research organisations in New Zealand and around the world.
Our science revenue (about $55 million per year) is derived primarily from contracts with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), Department of Conservation (DOC), Tbfree New Zealand (previously the Animal Health Board – AHB), local government, private sector businesses and organisations, and Māori organisations.
Sustainability is embedded throughout our organisation and evidenced in both our research focus and our day-to-day operational activities. We report comprehensively on this in the sustainability section of this site.
Manaaki whenua – Manaaki tangata (Care for the land – Care for the people)
Our Māori name means to care for the land in the sense that the environment is inextricably linked to economic, societal and cultural well-being. Māori are tangata whenua, the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, with whom we consult and collaborate.