Our sustainability web pages

Web-based sustainability reporting enables us to report more comprehensively and put the impacts of our own activities into greater context with our sustainability aims, our research and our Core Purpose.
We began our sustainability reporting in 2000 and our reporting has matured to the stage where our Annual Report information is now supported by the extensive material available on our website.
Sustainability is an an ongoing journey that we have documented in the Hatched eBook and through these web pages.
The “Voices for Sustainability” section is a place for invited voices to reflect on material issues and to challenge both our own thinking and that of others. The section includes contributions (‘thinkpieces’) from New Zealanders prominent in their own fields, a piece from Professor Jan Bebbington (University of St Andrews, Scotland), and a piece from Allen White of the Tellus Institute in Boston, USA. In addition, we have included the Māori voice with a section on mātauranga Māori (traditional knowledge and values ) and steps taken in developing frameworks for documenting cultural indicators, which reflect mātauranga Māori in the governance, management, and interactions of many organisations.
We are keen to get feedback on our sustainability pages from all stakeholders, and encourage readers to provide comments: feedback@landcareresearch.co.nz
For general enquiries, please refer to our contacts section.