News & events

Aug 20
Major update of S-map Online soil data
27 Aug 20
Updates to S-Map have greatly increased the coverage of NZ, and focus on soil hydrology (inc. available water) and soil chemistry (carbon, pH, P retention)
Aug 20
When asked about their hopes for the post-COVID future of Aotearoa New Zealand typically people wanted nature to get more attention and better care.
Aug 20
Social scientist Alison Greenaway discovered that people who have a sense of kaitiakitanga or guardianship expressed great responsibility for the whenua (land), and for the environment during lockdown.
Aug 20
Slowing down during lockdown enabled connection with nature Many people noted that slowing down renewed their sense of connection with nature, seeing, hearing and feeling nature more intensely both at home and in their local areas. Connecting with nature generated a sense of calm, brought joy and eased numerous anxieties.
Jul 20
Antarctica is usually viewed as a large, pristine wilderness area, untouched by humans. Yet since its formal discovery 200 years ago, the continent has seen accelerating and potentially impactful human activity.
Jul 20
New Zealand’s most devastating predators’ genomes sequenced. DNA codes broken for stoat and ship rat
8 Jul 20
The DNA secrets of the Predator Free 2050 programme’s most wanted species have been revealed. The complete genome of the stoat is now available to researchers on the US-based National Center for Biotechnology Information genome database, hard on the heels of the ship rat genome.
Jun 20
The latest NZ Garden Bird Survey results, collected in 2019, show positive signals for five native species. We see strong evidence for increases in fantail (pīwakawaka), tūī and kererū over the past 10 years, with some evidence that bellbirds (korimako) are increasing as well.
Jun 20
Emergency health measures such as social distancing, shelter-in-place and travel restrictions had a significant impact on stopping the spread of COVID-19, new research shows.
Apr 20
The 2019 survey shows greater adoption of land management practices since 2017 such as managing effluent storage, restricting stock from waterways, and managing soil compaction and pugging. Riparian planting also increased slightly relative to 2015.
Apr 20
MWLR scientists have been working to improve rural livelihoods for the largely indigenous communities in two high altitude catchments.