Working with us

Our stakeholders
To maximise our impact, our science needs to be both world class and strongly aligned to the needs of key partner stakeholders, including those with a vested interest in our science, and those who use our science in developing policy and to improve industry performance. Our most significant stakeholder partners in terms of research revenue are DOC, MPI, MfE, AHB, and local and regional government. Our work with many businesses and industry sectors is growing and strategic engagement is mostly through BusinessNZ, MED, Dairy NZ, FAR and Future Forests.
Technology and knowledge transfer ensures our science is put to work quickly to create value for New Zealand. Effective transfer and uptake require comprehensive engagement across many levels of stakeholder organisations— from CEOs to the people ‘on the ground’, and throughout all stages of projects — from project definition and initiation through to project completion and the implementation of new policies or processes.
As tangata whenua, Māori are important stakeholders in our research. Landcare Research has a 20-year history of research projects with iwi. Initially our focus was on specific projects with Māori organisations and included developing geographic information systems (GIS) to represent cultural values and interests, and protecting taonga species. Landcare Research is now moving to a more strategic position with specific iwi in accordance with the particular stage the iwi has reached in the Treaty of Waitangi claim settlement process.
Working with other research organisations
We aspire to be recognised nationally and internationally for the excellence of our science and to work with leading teams overseas. We similarly collaborate with New Zealand CRIs and universities to assemble the best scientific capability for tackling environmental issues. This approach enables us to be at the forefront of science and technology developments.
We partner with New Zealand government agencies working overseas (MFAT, MSI), and international funders (private sector, philanthropists, NGOs, national governments and donors) for work across many countries in South America, SE Asia, the Pacific, China and Korea.
We provide pest management and eradication advice to many countries through our business unit Invasive Species International, and we provide carbon verification and certification to clients in several countries through our carboNZeroCertTM subsidiary.
We hold significant knowledge assets and biological collections on behalf of Pacific Island Countries. We have a responsibility to help these countries build in-country capability for managing collections and using them to support biosecurity, biodiversity and land use planning.