New Zealand Ecologial Society photo competition
This competition aims to highlight the diversity, beauty and interest of the biodiversity and ecosystems of New Zealand, and the role of ecologists in unravelling their mysteries.
Images must either be taken in New Zealand or illustrate the work that New Zealand ecologists are undertaking in other countries.
Winning entries (including top 24 images)
Overall winner: Buller's Mollymawk. Anja Kohler
People’s Choice: Abel Tasman Milky Way. Finn Innes
Banded Rail / Mioweka. Sarah Jones
In Sync – Almost. Anja Kohler
Banded Dotterel Cuteness. Jeremy Sanson
War Paint. Samuel Purdie
Traffic. Carl Richardson
Just chilling - while we still can. AJS Tansell
Swamp maire moth (Macarostola miniella), on swamp maire leaf. Angela Simpson
Sacred Waters. Brett Hayvice
Carnivorous Sundew with Prey. Brigitte Kreigenhofer
The point of preying. Chris Paulin
Kakī. David Jackson
North Island Saddleback. David Jackson
Green Frog. Hannah Court
Native Paradise. Hugh Benson
Sumpter Wharf's Otago Shags
Eyes on Me. Jordyn Ashcroft
Forest Fungi. Lee Waddell
Nocturnal Flying Sphinx. Oli Aylen
Curious Kākā. Paula Vigus
Drunk tūī. Rochelle Vanstone
Captured. Ruth Bollongino
Turning the Tide. Ruth Bollongino