Policy Briefing & Guidance Papers

Insights for government, councils and industry.
Policy Briefing Papers
Policy Brief 1: Building mana whenua partnerships for urban design
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Shaun Awatere
Policy Brief 2: Evaluating a collaborative process
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Nick Cradock-Henry
Policy Brief 3: Principles to underpin freshwater decision-making
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Oshadhi Samarasinghe, Suzie Greenhalgh, Mary-Anne Baker, Nick Zaman, Tim Sharp, Justine Young, Andrew Parrish, Barry Gilliland, Jim Sinner and Andrew Fenemor
Policy Brief 4: Setting up a collaborative process: stakeholder participation
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Nick Cradock-Henry, Natasha Berkett and Margaret Kilvington
Policy Brief 5: Understanding conflict over freshwater values in a regional plan
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Jim Sinner and Marc Tadaki
Policy Brief 6: Using economic modelling to inform limit setting processes for freshwater resources
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Suzie Greenhalgh, Adam Daigneault and Oshadhi Samarasinghe
Policy Brief 7: Using mātauranga Māori to inform freshwater management
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Garth Harmsworth, Shaun Awatere, Craig Pauling
Policy Brief 8: Collaborative processes and the roles of the council
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Natasha Berkett and Jim Sinner, Cawthron Institute
Policy Brief 9: Structured decision making for collaborative planning
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Jim Sinner, Suzie Greenhalgh, Natasha Berkett, and Tim Sharp
Policy Brief 10 Māori Involvement in Collaborative Freshwater Planning: insights from Hawkes Bay
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Jim Sinner, Garth Harmsworth.
Policy Brief 11: Designing Policy to Change the use of Natural Resources
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Geoff Kaine and Wendy Boyce
Policy Brief 12: Sharing the Pie: The dilemma of allocating nutrient leaching between sources
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Suzie Greenhalgh, Adam Daigneault and Oshadhi Samarasinghe
Technical Documentation - Policy Brief 12: Sharing the Pie: The dilemma of allocating nutrient leaching between sources
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Adam Daigneault, Suzie Greenhalgh, Oshadhi Samarasinghe
Policy Brief 13: Protecting the Urban Forest
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Marie A Brown, Environmental Defence Society; Robyn Simcock and Suzie Greenhalgh, Landcare Research
Technical Document — Policy Brief 13: Effectiveness of protecting urban vegetation: assessing vegetation cover changes with urban expansion and intensification Technical Document for Protecting the Urban Forest
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Marie A Brown, Environmental Defence Society; Robyn Simcock and Suzie Greenhalgh, Landcare Research
Policy Brief 14: Māori Values and Perspectives to Inform Collaborative Processes and Planning for Freshwater Management
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Garth Harmsworth, Shaun Awatere and Mahuru Robb, Landcare Research
Poilcy Brief 15: Restoring Riparian Margins
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Florian Eppink, Adam Daigneault, Suzie Greenhalgh and William Lee
Policy Brief 16: Winter grazing practices of dairy farmers across New Zealand
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Oshadhi Samarasinghe and Pike Brown
Policy Brief 17: Survey of Rural Decision Makers: understanding decision makers in primary industry
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Philip Brown, William Wright, Mario Fernandez, Josh Dawson, Simon Roper, and Thomas Robertson
Policy Brief 18: Planning for tipping points and enhancing resilience in production landscapes
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Johanna Yletyinen & Jason Tylianakis, University of Canterbury; Pike Brown & Roger Pech, Landcare Research
Policy Brief 19: Wai Ora Wai Māori – a kaupapa Māori assessment tool
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Shaun Awatere, Mahuru Robb, Yvonne Taura, Kiri Reihana, Garth Harmsworth, John Te Maru, Erina Watene-Rawiri
Policy Brief 20: Riding the Wave: Reflections on the evolution of freshwater management in New Zealand
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Jim Sinner (Cawthron) et al.
Policy Brief 22: Applying Adaptation Pathways
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Nick Cradock-Henry (Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research), Paula Blackett (NIWA), Madeline Hall (Hawke’s Bay Regional Council), Paul Johnstone & Edmar Teixera (Plant and Food Research), Anita Wreford (Lincoln University)
Policy Brief 24: Wilding Conifers Sept 2019
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Nicholas Kirk, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research Ltd
Policy Brief 25: Mitigating cascading and compounding hazards in the time of pandemic
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Patrick Walsh, Nicholas Cradock-Henry and Suzie Greenhalgh
Policy Guidance Papers
Looking at Soils through the Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Lens
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Oshadhi Samarasinghe, Suzie Greenhalgh,Éva-Terézia Vesely
Review of Policy Instruments for Ecosystem Services
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Authors: Suzie Greenhalgh & Mindy Selman. Contributing authors: Adam Daigneault, Cen Kaighin & Robyn Sinclair.
International guidance papers
Evaluating ecosystem-based adaptation for disaster risk reduction in Fiji: executive summary
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Pike Brown, Adam Daigneault, David Gawith, William Aalbersberg, James Comley, Patrick Fong, Fraser Morgan
Evaluating ecosystem-based adaptation for disaster risk reduction in Fiji: full report
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Pike Brown, Adam Daigneault, David Gawith, William Aalbersberg, James Comley, Patrick Fong, Fraser Morgan