Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Algal factsheet: Chamaesiphon (Chamaesiphonaceae)

Diagnostic features

Elongated, tube-like, pale blue-green cells attached to surfaces (often larger algae). Small round exospores are usually seen separating from the apical cell. Readily distinguished from Characium (which occupies a similar habitat) by the exospores and colour (Characium contains chloroplasts, which are green).

Typical habitats

A very common epiphyte on filamentous algae under many conditions.


May also attach to invertebrates, even the legs of mites!


Kingdom Bacteria
Phylum Cyanobacteria
Class Cyanophyceae
Order Chroococcales
Family Chamaesiphonaceae
Common name Cyanobacteria