Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Algal factsheet: Botrydiopsis (Botrydiopsidaceae)

Diagnostic features

Young cells spherical, but large older cells may elongate and be slightly constricted in the centre. One or two chloroplasts present when small, but many disc-shaped chloroplasts when large. Each chloroplast is yellow-green rather than grass green and does not store starch (subtle differences with green algae) and has a small eyespot which may be difficult to see. Unicellular, but cells may group together in clumps.

Typical habitats

May be common in moist soils and some wetland habitats; typically found in clean sites.




Kingdom Chromista
Phylum Ochrophyta
Class Xanthophyceae
Order Mischococcales
Family Botrydiopsidaceae
Common name Yellow-green algae