Coccus longulus (Douglas)

Coccus longulus. Young adult female, on stem of citrus. She is facing head to the right and her two eye spots are small black dots, one on either side.
Long brown scale
Douglas named this species longulus in 1887.
Status in New Zealand: an exotic (adventive) species, first recorded here in 1897. Not important economically. Most records are from the Auckland area.
Biology: probably more than one generation per year. Long brown scale is parthenogenetic and there are no males.
Found on the stems and leaves of:
I. Exotic plants:
Citrus, Hypericum
Citrus, Hypericum sp., Magnolia stellata, Vitis vinifera [ grapevine]
II. Native plants:
Carmichaelia [native broom], Melicope ternata [wharangi]