Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Crystallotesta fagi (Maskell)

<em>Crystallotesta fagi</em>.  Left:  a young female. She fills her clear waxy test and her greenish colour shows through. Right: an old female. Her body [darker part] has shrunk to the anterior end of her white glassy wax test [lower end in picture] after producing all her crawlers (young scales). [Photos: DSIR].

Crystallotesta fagi. Left: a young female. She fills her clear waxy test and her greenish colour shows through. Right: an old female. Her body [darker part] has shrunk to the anterior end of her white glassy wax test [lower end in picture] after producing all her crawlers (young scales). [Photos: DSIR].

Conical beech scale

William Maskell named this species in 1891, from the latin name Fagus for beech trees.

The females' heads are at the lower end and they always face down the twig.

Found on small stems of beech trees:

Nothofagus fusca red beech
Nothofagus menziesii silver beech