Umbonichiton bullatus Henderson & Hodgson

Umbonichiton bullatus. Young adult female.
Knobbly scale — Umbonichiton bullatus Henderson & Hodgson
The species name bullatus means "knobbly or knobbed", because not only is the wax test knobbly but also the female's skin underneath has rows of rounded folds.
Biology: one or two generations per year. The new generation is produced from summer to autumn [the photo above was taken in May]. Probably overwinters as young adult females. Males and females develop on the stems, occasionally a few males also on the leaves.
Found on the stems of:
Kunzea ericoides | kānuka |
Leptospermum scoparium | mānuka |
Podocarpus totara | tōtara |
Weinmannia racemosa | kāmahi |