Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

TACHINIDAE: Tachininae: Microhystricia Malloch, 1938

Microhystricia gourlayi Malloch, 1938, orig. des. [NZAC].


Characteristics of Microhystricia include: 1. Body size 8 – 9mm; 2; Pre-sutural intra-alar setae present; 3; wing cell r4+5 closed with long petiole; 4. Parafacials with strong setae; 5. Abdomen with micro setae on longitudinal centreline between paired setae; 6. Anatergite bare (this character shared with Asetulia, Calotachina, Pales, Genotrichia, Montanarturia, Wattia, Voriini group).

Distribution in NZ

South Island: BR, CO, FD, MB, MC, NN, OL.

Species in New Zealand

Microhystricia gourlayi Malloch, 1938.

Biology and Hosts

Host: Gelophaula sp. (Tortricidae ) ex Celmissia dallii Buchanan (Compositae).


Schnitzler F-R 2016. Tachinidae of New Zealand. Genus Microhystricia
Accessed: 10 March 2025


v1.0. Schnitzler F-R. 2016