TACHINIDAE: Tachininae: Proscissionini: Plethochaetigera Malloch, 1938
Plethochaetigera fenwicki Malloch, 1938, orig. des. [Type missing, supposedly in Malloch collection USNM (Miller, 1950). Paratype in NZAC].Diagnosis
Characteristics of Plethochaetigera include: 1. Body size 9 –13mm. Note: This genus keys out together with Chaetopletha, Neotachina, Phaoniella, Platytachina, and Tachineo. It is considerably difficult to find satisfactory external characters to distinguish these genera in a dichotomous key. This difficulty is expressed by Malloch 1938 several times over as well as by Dugdale 1969. A thorough revision at the genus level is needed that includes molecular analysis, rearing and collecting of new material.Distribution in NZ
North Island: TO, WN; South Island: BR, CO, FD, MB, NN, OL.
Species in New Zealand
Plethochaetigera fenwicki Malloch, 1938; P. isolate Malloch, 1938; P. setiventris Malloch, 1938; possibly 4 n. spp.Biology and Hosts
Schnitzler F-R 2016. Tachinidae of New Zealand. Genus Plethochaetigerahttp://tachinidae.landcareresearch.co.nz
Accessed: 10 March 2025