Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

TACHINIDAE: Tachininae: Protohystriciini: Protohystricia Malloch, 1929

Tachina alcis Walker, 1849, orig. des. [BMNH].


Characteristics of Protohystricia include: 1. Body size 10 – 18mm; 2. Protohystricia species superficially resemble Bothrophora lupina, however Protohystricia can be easily distinguished from all other New Zealand genera by the fringe of hairs on the stem vein.

Distribution in NZ

North Island: GB, HB, TK, TO, WA, WI, WN, WO; South Island: BR,. CO, DN, FD, KA, MB, MC, NN, OL, RI, SI, WD.

Species in New Zealand

Protohystricia alcis (Walker, 1849); P. gourlayi (Tonnoir, 1935); P. huttoni Malloch, 1930; P. orientalis (Schiner, 1868).

Biology and Hosts

Wiseana cervinata (Walker, 1865) (see Eyles 1965).


Schnitzler F-R 2016. Tachinidae of New Zealand. Genus Protohystricia
Accessed: 10 March 2025


v1.0. Schnitzler F-R. 2016