Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Tripteroides (Polylepidomyia) tasmaniensis (Strickland, 1911)

New Zealand Status: Not Present

Tripteroides tasmaniensis has the potential to be invasive because it will breed in artifical containers (Russell 1993) and has been intercepted in New Zealand (Laird 1995).

Vector and Disease Information

Adult females attack humans mostly during the day in sheltered siuations. There is no known relation to disease (Russell 1993).

Distribution (based on Biogeographic Regions)

Australasian Biogeographic Region

New Zealand

Not present, intercepted

Intercepted 1993 (Laird 1995).


Present endemic

New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria (WRBU, 2001).

Rest of the World

Not present

Taxonomic Position

Tribe Sabethini.


A diagnosis is the minimum set of characters and states that will separate this taxon from all others in this set of taxa.

Diagnostic characters State
Prespiracular setae Present
Base of hind coxa in line with base of mesomeron Yes

Characteristic Features

A smallish brown mosquito with the proboscis all dark scaled and longer than the abdomen. Scutum densely covered with narrow light-bronze scales. Wings all dark scaled (Russell 1993).