Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

TACHINIDAE: Tachininae: Proscissionini: Asetulia Malloch, 1938

Asetulia nigropolita Malloch, 1938, orig. des. [Type location: CMNZ]


Characteristics of Asetulia include: 1. Body size ± 11mm; 2. Eyes haired with a narrow bare strip along hind margin; 3. Parafacials haired on upper third; 4. Face with deep antennal grooves separated by facial carina; 5. Anatergite bare (this character shared with Calotachina, Pales, Genotrichia, Montanarturia, Microhystricia, Wattia, and Voriini group).

Distribution in NZ

South Island: BR, WD. Distribution after Malloch 1938, the genus might have a wider distribution.

Species in New Zealand

Asetulia nigropolita Malloch, 1938.

Biology and Hosts



Schnitzler F-R 2016. Tachinidae of New Zealand. Genus Asetulia
Accessed: 13 March 2025


v1.0. Schnitzler F-R. 2016