
National Outcome 1: Improve measurement, management and protection of New Zealand's terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, including in the conservation estate.
The integrity of our iconic natural places, and the biodiversity they support, is central to our identity, lifestyle and the economy. Inter-generational responsibility for the management of indigenous ecosystems, expressed through kaitiakitanga, is also central to Māori aspirations.
The effective management of biodiversity must be undertaken in the context of more complete knowledge of its composition and of changes in its state through time and in different ecosystems. This will allow the most threatened components of biodiversity to be identified and addressed through targeted research and effective management, and will highlight the most immediate opportunities to improve delivery effi ciency and policy effectiveness.
Demonstrating improvements in biodiversity status at local, regional and national scales will enable us to protect our New Zealand lifestyle, facilitate appropriate development, and meet international obligations to care for our unique plants and animals.