Official Information Act (OIA)

Asking us for information under the Official Information Act: a guide to making a request
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research is subject to the Official Information Act 1982. Under this Act you can make a request to Manaaki Whenua for information it holds.
A guide to making requests is available on the Ombudsman’s website.
How do I make a request?
Requests should include your name, postal address or preferred email address, and specific details of the information you want.
You do not have to tell us why you want the information, but including your reasons as part of your request can be really helpful. Providing your reasons will give our staff a better understanding of exactly what information you are needing and why it would be in the public interest to release that information.
Email or post your request to:
Legal Team
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
PO Box 69040
Lincoln 7608.
How will we deal with your request?
We will acknowledge your request, usually within one business day if emailed. We'll respond no later than 20 working days after we receive it. Sometimes for large requests or those requiring consultation we'll need an extension of time to respond – the Act allows for this. If we need one, we'll let you know and give you a specific due date.
We may seek further information from you if we feel your request is not clear. We may seek to refine your request in consultation with you, if the scope is very broad.
If we do not hold the information that you ask for, we will let you know.
Please be aware that requests that require extensive collation or research to address may be refused, delayed or may be subject to a monetary charge to cover reasonable costs of doing the work. This is allowed for in the Act.
How will we respond?
We'll endeavour to respond to your request in your preferred manner. We'll restate your request and respond to every question asked. Any supporting documents will usually be attached in PDF format.
If your request falls under the scope of the Act and we are able to respond, we may make your request and our response publicly available (with any personal details taken out).
If we're not able to supply all or part of the information requested, we'll inform you in our response. We will refer to the specific section of the Act and explain the reasons. For more information, refer to sections 6, 9 and 18 of the Official Information Act 1982.
If we intend to charge for the work, we will advise you of the charge in advance. We may require you to pay for that charge in part or in full prior to collating or undertaking any research that is required.
What if you are not happy with our response?
If you have not received a response by the due date or are not satisfied with our response, you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman. Email or post to PO Box 10152 Wellington 6143.