Biosecurity Bonanza presentations 2018
Biosecurity research at the Allan Herbarium 

Biosecurity research at the Allan Herbarium
[pdf file, 4.3 MB]

Broad-scale predator control for kiwi recovery 

Broad scale predator control for kiwi recovery
[pdf file, 1.9 MB]

Co-designing an online biodiversity assessment tool: a proof-of-concept for NZ farms 

Co-designing an online biodiversity assessment tool: a proof-of-concept for NZ farms
[pdf file, 3.1 MB]

Could dwarf mistletoes help solve NZ's wilding conifer problem? 

Could dwarf mistletoes help solve New Zealand’s wilding conifer problem?
[pdf file, 1.8 MB]

How many are there? Using DNA & statistics to estimate population size 

How many are there? Using DNA & statistics to estimate population size
[pdf file, 11.4 MB]

Impact of Allee effects on the establishment of biocontrol agents 

Impact of Allee effects on the establishment of biocontrol agents
[pdf file, 1.8 MB]

Molecular detection of associated organisms 

Molecular detection of associated organisms
[pdf file, 3.0 MB]

New Zealand's introduced flora: Data resource to support research & management 

New Zealand’s introduced flora: Data resource to support research & management
[pdf file, 5.9 MB]

Rat traps for Predator Free NZ: Clarifying which traps have passed the NAWAC guidelines 

Rat traps for predator free NZ: Clarifying which traps have passed the NAWAC guidelines
[pdf file, 2.0 MB]

RHDV for rabbit biocontrol: update 

RHDV for Rabbit Biocontrol - An update
[pdf file, 2.6 MB]

The biological control of horehound in New Zealand 

The biological control of horehound in New Zealand
[pdf file, 7.8 MB]