Holiday pay & termination pay arrears
Published: 6 December 2016 - by Human Resources

Details and claim form
You're either on this page because you've been identified as a former Landcare Research New Zealand Limited employee who is owed an arrears payment, or you are unsure if you are eligible for an arrears payment and would like to find out more. You can either make a claim now, or read on to find out more about these arrears payments, what they are, and how you can find out whether you’re eligible.
Inadvertant non-compliance with the Holidays Act 2003 has resulted in the company recalculating payments to its current and some former employees for annual leave taken during employment and for holiday pay disbursement on termination since 1 July 2010. It excludes sick leave, bereavement leave, public holidays, alternative holidays and all other leave types.
Anyone who was employed by Landcare Research New Zealand Limited (or its subsidiary companies listed below) on or after 1 July 2010, may be eligible for a payment to correct some leave calculations. The Limitation Act 2010 applies, so we are claculating arrears back six years to 2010.
The Landcare Research businesses include:
- carboNZero
- Enviro-Mark
- Enviro-Mark Solutions
Am I eligible?
Former employees who are entitled to a payment have been contacted by letter sent to their last known postal address from their time of employment with Landcare Research.
If you did not receive this letter and believe you are entitled to an arrears payment, you are welcome to submit a claim immediately.
How do I make a claim?
If you received a letter advising of your entitlement to an arrears payment, and your letter states a claim reference number in the top right corner, your letter will outline the claim and payment process specific to you. If you have not received a letter but believe you are eligible for an arrears payment because you meet the criteria above, please follow the process below.
You can submit a claim. To ensure we are making the payment to the right person, Landcare Research will need documentation to verify your identity - list of required documents. To use email to submit a claim, you must have scanned copies of any required documents in JPEG, PNG, GIF or PDF format ready to attach to the claim.
The quickest way to receive any arrears owing to you is to submit your claim by email, and ensure you provide all required information and documentation. If your claim has been entered accurately, payment should occur within four weeks of submitting your claim.
If you are unable to supply scanned copies, please post the paper copies to us (send only copies, NOT original documents). You can print the claim form from this website. It will take up to six weeks to pay any arrears owing following manual receipt of all required information and documentation.
When will I be paid?
If you have submitted a claim but not yet received payment, please contact us at to establish the status of your claim.
If you have yet to submit a claim, the quickest way to receive any arrears owing to you is to submit your claim by email using the provided form, and ensure you attach all required information and documentation. If your claim form has been completed accurately, payment should occur within four weeks of submitting your claim.
If you are unable to submit your claim by email, you can post your claim documents to us. It will take up to six weeks to pay any arrears owing following manual receipt of all required information and documentation.
How much will I be paid?
If you are entitled to a payment and have verified your identity, we will send you a payslip and a breakdown of the arrears amount when we make the payment.
Please note that our Human Resources team is not able to tell you the amount you will be paid over the phone or by email as we are unable to verify your identity.
What happens next?
Unless we need more information from you, your claim will be processed and there will be no further correspondence until the time of payment, when we will send you a payslip and a report showing a breakdown of your arrears amount.
If you have submitted a claim but not yet received payment within the timeframes indicated, please contact us at to establish the status of your claim.
How do I claim an arrears payment?
Submit a claim
- Complete this form and email with supporting documentation to
Payment should occur within four weeks; or - Print the form and post your application to Human Resources, Landcare Research New Zealand Limited, PO Box 69040, Lincoln 7640.
Payment will take up to six weeks.
Supporting information
If you have received a letter from Landcare Research about your arrears payment that states your claim reference number in the top right corner, your letter will tell you which documents (if any) you need to submit in addition to those stated in the box below.
If you did not receive a letter from Landcare Research that states your claim reference number in the top right corner, you can still make a claim but, as well as the documents listed below, you will need to provide a copy of the following documents:
- Proof of identity document: Any one of birth certificate, passport, certificate of citizenship, Immigration New Zealand visa, driver's licence, or firearms licence. Please note that if your identity document has text on both sides (e.g. driver licence), both sides must be scanned/copied in order for it to be accepted.
- Proof of address: A recent (within 3 months) utility bill, bank letter, rates bill, or letter from IRD that includes evidence of your physical address.
If you are using email to claim, you will need:
- Scanned copies of all required documents in JPEG, PNG, GIF or PDF format.
The maximum file size for combined attachments must be less than 20MB.
You will need the following information before you start to make a claim:
- Identity verification documents - see above
- Tax code and IRD number: A signed IR330, which can be downloaded from
- Bank account number: A bank deposit slip.
- If you received an Holiday Pay Arrears Claim letter from Landcare Research, your claim reference number as stated in the top right corner of the letter
- If you are claiming in a different name to the one used when you were employed by us, proof of name change: marriage certificate, statutory declaration, or birth certificate (documentation must show both old and new name)
- If you have a special tax code, special tax certificate issued by the IRD