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Potential Tutsan biocontrol agents
Hugh Gourlay introduces two potential tutsan biocontol agents.

Improving water quality - revealing the role of soil information. LINK seminar Part 5
Part 5 of a 5-part Landcare Research LINK seminar presented by Linda Lilburne and Sam Carrick; "S-map in the future."

Improving water quality - revealing the role of soil information. LINK seminar Part 4
Part 4 of a 5-part Landcare Research LINK seminar presented by Linda Lilburne and Sam Carrick; "Stony soils — why do we care?"

Improving water quality - revealing the role of soil information. LINK seminar Part 3
Part 3 of a 5-part Landcare Research LINK seminar presented by Linda Lilburne and Sam Carrick; "Inference Engine (models) ."

Improving water quality - revealing the role of soil information. LINK seminar Part 2
Part 2 of a 5-part Landcare Research LINK seminar presented by Linda Lilburne and Sam Carrick; "S-map under the hood."

Improving water quality - revealing the role of soil information. LINK seminar Part 1
Part 1 of a 5-part Landcare Research LINK seminar presented by Linda Lilburne and Sam Carrick: S-map introduction.

Ecosystem Services in New Zealand
Ecosystem services: the benefits people obtain from nature. The idea of managing natural resources based on ecosystem services is gaining traction internationally.

Predator-Free New Zealand: A Call for Creative Solutions
Be part of the Predator-Free New Zealand Challenge, a 10-day nationwide online collaboration to explore and generate potential solutions. Top ideas and participants will go into a draw for prizes.

"From gorse farming to carbon farming" - the Hinewai Reserve story
Here's brief overview of Hinewai Reserve on Banks' Peninsula and the role it is playing in native forest regeneration and the creation of carbon credits for the carboNZero programme.

Pest Surveillance and Detection Research workshop
Recently Landcare Research and Lincoln University hosted a pest surveillance and detection research workshop. It proved a highly popular event, with more than 80 participants from more than 20 organisations.

S-Map Online tutorial
Researcher James Barringer provides a video tutorial on how to use the S-Map Online tool.

The Trees for Bees programme
An overview of the Trees for Bees programme that sees bee friendly trees and shrubs planted on NZ farms to support our important bee population

Biosecurity Bonanza 2013
Landcare Research recently hosted their annual Biosecurity Bonanza. We hear from the organisers and participants

Katarina's Kete
Katarina Tawiri has been documenting the weaving and fibre properties of around 50 different varieties of harakeke from the Rene Orchiston Harakeke collection, located at Lincoln

Motueka ICM: The Challenge of Integration
The challenge of integrated catchment management (ICM) is understanding connectivity between land, water and the coast and how people are central to managing catchments sustainably.

Motueka ICM: Mountains to Sea — Integrated Science
Protecting water quality is one catchment issue — different disciplines need to work collaboratively together to achieve that.

Motueka ICM Building Iwi, Hapu and Whanau Involvement
Integrated catchment management sits easily with indigenous holistic environmental world views. Building their (Maori) involvement from the beginning is integral to success.

Motueka ICM Integration In Action - The Sherry River
Science identified a water quality problem and working together with landowners and locals the problem was solved.

Motueka ICM: Managing Water
Water is the link from mountains to the sea. The amount of water available in a catchment depends on understanding those links.

Motueka ICM: Innovative Engagement
New and innovative ways can be found to work together for enhanced understanding and decision making at a catchment scale.

Motueka ICM: Models for envisioning the future
Protecting catchment futures — applying computer modelling for envisaging how we can manage for the future.

Heather Beetles: Where are they now?
How well are the beetles establishing and tackling heather in Tongariro?

The release of the heather beetles
Heather beetles are finally released in Tongariro National Park

Announcement of the Lincoln Hub
New Zealand's Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce and Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy have unveiled concept plans for a world-class agricultural research and education facility to be sited at Lincoln.

Biocontrol of Scotch Broom
Here we take a look at the pest plant Scotch Broom and work that LandcareResearch has undertaken to utilise biocontrol agents to control the problem.

Getting approval to release the heather beetle
Approval is sought for the release of heather beetle into New Zealand as a biocontrol agent for heather in Tongariro National Park

Antarctic Environments Portal
Landcare Research and Antarctica New Zealand have signed a collaborative agreement for the development of an Antarctic Environments Portal.

Highlights and updates from the National Land Resource Centre
Alison Collins outlines national science challenges, partnerships with other agencies & building capability.

Bio-solids: to spread or not to spread
Much can be gained from spreading bio-solids, but what are the unseen effects?

NZ-FARM model
NZ-FARM is a new tool that looks at how changes in environmental policy might affect a farmer's bottom line.

The Allan Herbarium upgrade
The Allan Herbarium has been upgraded to ensure consistent temperature and humidity, providing an optimal environment for the specimens held in the facility.

Building urban landscapes and collaboration at Wynyard Quarter
Landcare Research scientists join Auckland Council staff on a tour round Auckland's Wynyard Quarter, looking for opportunities to enhance the biodiversity in the area.

The New Zealand Organisms Register (NZOR)
NZOR allows you to access several databases at once to find the most up to date information about organisms in New Zealand and their current names.

Multi-Level Perspective (MLP): Insights into social and technological change
To bring about the social and technological changes essential for a sustainable future, we need a richer understanding of how these changes occur.

Battling Scotch Broom with the Broom Gall Mite
The Broom Gall Mite was released by our researchers just a few years ago as a biocontrol for the invasive plant, scotch broom. Here's an update on how it's doing at one site in North Canterbury.

Opening of the Beever Plant Pathogen Containment Facility
Landcare Research staff and invited guests gather to celebrate the opening of the new plant pathogen containment facility.

The search for biological control agents for Japanese honeysuckle
Japanese honeysuckle has become a huge problem in New Zealand. With nothing to keep it in check, it has become out of control.

An introduction to NaturewatchNZ
Take the time to check out this video about the new NatureWatchNZ website ! It's a fantastic resource as well as being a fun activity for all the family to observe and record plants, animals throughout NZ.

Heather beetle: a born killer
Introduction of a biocontrol agent for heather

Heather: the making of a weed
History of heather in New Zealand

Biocontrol research in the United States
Ronny Groenteman and Shaun Forgie research a potential biosecurity threat to New Zealand, the Glassy Winged Sharpshooter

Possum encounter and interaction rates with traps
Bruce Warburton and Sam Brown look at how they can make trapping and detection of possums more effective; that is, how can every encounter between possum and device result in a detection or a capture.

New insights in possum Tb transmission
Graham Nugent, Jackie Whitford, Ivor Yockney & Frank Cross look at TB transmission in possums, what we actually know, testing new models, trying to emulate 'natural' Tb, estimating how long possums will live - and why all this matters.

Refining opertional practices for controlling rabbits
Dave Latham, Graham Nugent and Bruce Warburton discuss the huge threat posed to agriculture and environment by introduced rabbits, and why aerial poison control may be required.

A low-cost trap for stoats
Grant Morriss and Bruce Warburton look at modifying the Victor rat trap to effectively kill stoats & ship rats.

Pindone residue in rabbits — is it a concern?
Penny Fisher, Sam Brown and Jane Arrow look at pindone residues in rabbits.

From scientific models to serious games
Play your way to a pest management strategy

Opening of the National Land Resources Centre
The NLRC was officially opened on 5th July 2012, at Te Papa in Wellington.

The importance of land
Land, and its relevance to the economy, our environment, and our well-being.

National Land Resource Centre
New National Land Resource Centre launched - a national repository for land resource data and information.

Lincoln University students work with Landcare Research staff to monitor & refine variable rate irrigation systems
Students from Lincoln University have been getting some hands-on experience with our scientists, taking soil samples from farms.

Latest greenhouse gas research
Dr John Hunt talks about the latest research that we're undertaking into agricultural GHG emissions.

The "Top 10" new species of 2011
Landcare Research scientist Dr Zhi-Qiang Zhang was a member of the international panel who selected the Top 10 new species of 2011. Here he talks about the list and its relevance to colleague Dr Peter Buchanan.

ICMP: the International Collection of Microorganisms from Plants
ICMP is a major international collection of plant bacteria, and a repository for micro-organisms of plant and animal origin of the New Zealand Reference Culture Collection.

Susan Wiser talks about recent research on shingle beaches
Shingle beaches are naturally rare and support a unique ecosystem.

Ellerslie Show: Water Treatement Train
A demonstration water treatment train -- a scaled down version of what has been proposed for the city -- was displayed at the Ellerslie Show.

Ellerslie Show: Green tram tracks and paths
A concept taking off in European and North American cities, green tracks enable plant life to snake up through the crushed brick or other pervious substrate.

Ellerslie Show: Green roofs and walls
A green roof reduces stormwater run-off, provides energy savings through the insulating effect of the growing medium and plants, is unaffected by UV, provides a habitat and food for insects, lizards, plants and birds, moderates the urban heat island effect, and muffles noise within the building.

Ellerslie Show: Embracing nature in a redeveloped Christchurch
Landcare Research at Ellerslie International Flower Show.

NZAC: the New Zealand Arthropod Collection
Find out more about the NZAC collection - samples of arthropods, spiders, mites and more, from across New Zealand and the South Pacific.

Expansion of Lifestyle Blocks
Should more consideration be given to converting prime production land to lifestyle blocks, reducing land available for agriculture and thus export opportunities?

Fauna of New Zealand Series
Entomologists Trevor Crosby and Robert Hoare discuss the story of the Fauna of New Zealand series.

What's happening in the Allan Herbarium?
The Allan Herbarium's function is to collect and record the flora of New Zealand, and to make this information readily available to researchers, and regional and national authorities.