Fauna of New Zealand

Fauna of NZ 79 cover
The Fauna of New Zealand / Ko te Aitanga Pepeke o Aotearoa series has been widely acclaimed for its role in presenting New Zealand's unique terrestrial invertebrate fauna to the world since 1982.
The Fauna of New Zealand is a monograph series with approximately two new issues a year. 79 issues have been published to date. Each number contains a checklist of the taxa, an introduction to the group, descriptions of the taxa, and illustrations (line and half-tone, and in recent years colour images). It was the first scientific series in New Zealand to have popular summaries in Māori and English.
NEW. Published 4 October 2019.
Xu YM, Zhao ZQ 2019. Longidoridae and Trichodoridae (Nematoda: Dorylaimida and Triplonchida). Fauna of New Zealand 79: 149 pp.
Fauna of New Zealand online
- Extracts from introductory section for all 77 contributions. Includes abstract, checklist of taxa, and introduction.
- Searchable PDF facsimiles of printed numbers, available for downloading for all 75 contributions.
The Editorial Board endorses the principle of Open Access to scientific information on New Zealand terrestrial invertebrates, and this is one reason why free PDF facsimiles of all printed numbers are provided on this website.
PDF search hint: find information associated with specimens by using a locality or plant name as the search term. - Version 1 of Fauna of New Zealand Online, archived 3 August 2012.