Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Pūtaiao Issue 1, February 2020


Tēnā koe and welcome to the first issue of Pūtaiao (“Science” in te reo Māori), a new quarterly publication showcasing the work of our scientists at Manaaki Whenua.

We are the Crown Research Institute for our land environment, biosecurity and biodiversity, and our role and responsibility to New Zealand is clear: this land, and everything that shares it with us, is our future.

Each issue of Pūtaiao will share the benefits and impacts of our science in helping to ensure a sustainable, productive future for New Zealand. In this issue we’re focusing on science for our land – one of our four “science ambitions” at Manaaki Whenua.

Although as a nation we’re familiar with concerns about water quality – about swimmable rivers and clean drinking water – the land is truly where the story of our water resources begins. Rivers, lakes and streams surround and flow through our land, so how we use our land is critical to our waterways.

As you’ll see in the pages that follow, our scientists work with and alongside farmers, iwi, policymakers, the public, and many government and science organisations. Our aims are to enable New Zealanders to use land more sustainably, better use resources for intergenerational well-being (he whenua koiora), better protect and restore land and soil resources, and reduce the impact of land use on freshwater resources.

In this issue