Regional Research Update Issue 1

Welcome and introduction
Those of you who have been working with us in the regional sector for a few years might remember past e-newsletters sent to our regional council partners with updates and news items about our research Well, here we are again with a fresh look, and lots more useful information to share.
Our work is increasingly collaborative with regional councils; helping to tackle difficult issues in biodiversity, biosecurity and sustainable land use, and creating new knowledge about our unique ecosystems and how they function to support regional well-being in its wider sense. We’ve relaunched our newsletter to reflect this, and look forward to profiling the results of our joint work with Regional Councils, iwi and other regional partners. Please get in touch if you’d like to contribute articles or tell us how our work together is making a difference in your area.
In part, this newsletter also reflects a number of changes we’ve made recently. You are sure to have noticed the return to our original name, Manaaki Whenua, supported by a new vision Kia matomato te tupu a Tane a Rongo, a Haumia-Tiketike - Let it be that the land and all its fruits may flourish.
Welcome therefore to the first edition of the Regional Research Update. Here you will find short articles on
- Biodiversity in wetlands
- Healthy Soils: One one ora, tangata ora
- Biocontrol for Japanese Honeysuckle
- Climate change
- Open Geospatial Data
- Myrtle rust and the Fungarium
- The Survey of Rural Decision Makers
You can expect to see a new edition of the Regional Research Update drop into your e-mail inbox 3-4 times per year, but we’d love to hear from you at any time – to discuss your challenges, the potential to apply or share our work so that it’s relevant to your region, or to provide insights into where our research is heading. Christine Harper is your “ghostbuster” (who ya gonna call?) if you’re not sure where to start.
Read on and keep the conversation going.
Justine Daw
General Manager
Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research