Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Opifex fuscus Hutton, 1902

New Zealand Status: Endemic

A distinctive New Zealand endemic, Opifex fuscus breeds primarily in brackish, saline and hypersaline rock pools above the high tide level (Belkin 1968).

Vector and Disease Information

Opifex fuscus is a laboratory host of Whataroa virus, but has no natural vector status (Holder 1999).

Distribution (see map)

New Zealand

Kermadec Islands (Raoul Island, South Meyer Island), Three Kings (Great Island), North Auckland, Mokohinau Islands, Great Barrier Island, Cuvier Island, South Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago (Belkin 1968).

Rest of the World

Not present

Taxonomic Position

A suggested change in taxonomy (Reinert & Harbach 2005) created 2 subgenera for Opifex, making the new name for this mosquito Opifex (Opifex) fuscus. This species and Opifex (Nothoskusea) chathamicus are the only known species from this endemic genus.


A diagnosis is the minimum set of characters and states that will separate this taxon from all others in this set of taxa.

Diagnostic characters State
Erect scales of the head Absent

Characteristic Features

A medium-sized to large, stocky, grey to brown dark mosquito with few scales. Head: vertex without erect scales, but with numerous curved setae (Belkin 1968).