
An unusually coloured Acanthoxyla gesovii from Invercargill> Image - T. Buckley
Many people are assisting with this project by proving specimens and assisting with field work: Richard Leschen, Robert Hoare, Dave Seldon, Nicholas Martin, Kees Green, Pia Langhoff, Kathy Hill, David Marshall, John Early, John Dugdale, Chris Winks, Peter Miller, Grace Hall, Brian Chudleigh, Helen Harman, Mike Aviss, Sally Hibberd, Robyn Symcock, Richard Toft, John Sullivan, Ian Stringer, Ian Miller, Robert Buckley, Elizabeth Buckley, Darren Ward, Robin Gardner-Gee, Chris Green, Margaret Humphrey, Elin Claridge, Geoff Monteith, Rod Morris, Eric Edwards, Trevor Crosby, Hannah Buckley, Brad Case, Oliver Zompro, George Gibbs, Margaret Stanley, Jenny Drummond, Karin Affeld, Pete Cranston, Bruno Kneubuhler, Samuel Brown, Jonathan Colville, John Midgley, Dave King, Nancy Willems, Mike Ambrose, James Boone, Dave Clarke, and Ruth Guthrie.
Iwi: The following iwi have greatly aided this project: Ngati Kuri, Te Rarawa, Ngati Kahu, Waipoua Forest Trust, Ngapuhi, Ngatiwai, Te Rarawa, Hauraki, Ngati Whatua, Tuhoe, Ngati koata, Wellington Tenths Trust, Te Runanganui o Taranaki Whanui ki te Upoko o te Ika-a-Maui and Ngai Tahu.
Funding: This research is funded by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology through Intermediate Outcome 3 of Backbone funding, the Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden Fund (LCR0502, LCR302, LCR0901) the Allan Wilson Centre for Molecular Ecology and Evolution, Ernst Mayr Award in Animal Systematics from Harvard University, and the National Geographic Society (7906-05).
Permits: Consent for some aspects of this research has been provided by the Department of Conservation and the Environmental Risk Management Authority.