Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Ascomycetes of Auckland Islands

<em>Hypoxylon hughseii</em>

Hypoxylon hughseii

This page lists all literature records of non-lichenised Ascomycetes reported from Auckland Island (based on McKenzie & Foggo 1989), as well as additional records made during the year 2000 expedition.

The list includes hyphomycete and coelomycete fungi, putative asexual Ascomycetes. A few of the taxa are illustrated.Links to the nomenclatural and bibliographic NZFUNGI database are provided.

The new records made on the basis of collections from the 2000 expedition are unpublished and the names used here remain provisional. This is a 'working list' that will be updated on an ongoing basis. Many collections remain to be identified, and some of the names applied at present may change with future study.

Source of data Link to NZFUNGI database Species Host and substrate
2 fungi_icon Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes  
1 fungi_icon Acrogenotheca elegans Dracophyllum longifolium
1 fungi_icon Antennaria robinsonii  
1 fungi_icon Antennaria scoriadea  
1 fungi_icon Anthostomella phaeosticta Hierochloe brunonis
1 fungi_icon Asteroma dilatatum Pseudopanax simplex leaf spot
1 fungi_icon Aulographum bromi Chionochloa antarctica leaf spot
2 fungi_icon Biscogniauxia capnodes Myrsine divaricata wood
2   Biscogniauxia spp. Myrsine divaricata and Metrosideros umbellata wood
1 fungi_icon Botrytis cinerea Gentiana antarctica capsules
2 fungi_icon Chlorociboria aeruginascens subsp. australis  
1 fungi_icon Cladosporium herbarum Carex appressa leaves
1 fungi_icon Clypeostroma hemisphaericum Hebe odora leaf spot
4 fungi_icon Clypeostroma spilomeum Hebe elliptica leaf spot
2 fungi_icon Colpoma agathidis Metrosideros umbellata bark
2   ? Cyclotheca sp. Dracophyllum longifolium leaf spot
2   Diaporthella sp. Metrosideros umbellata wood
1 fungi_icon Didymella nigrella Bulbinella rossii scapes
1   Dothidea sp. Pseudopanax simplex leaves
2   ? Dothiorina sp. Metrosideros umbellata, erumpent from bark of fallen branch
1 fungi_icon Euantennaria mucronata  
1 fungi_icon Eudarluca caricis Puccinia coronata sori
2   Gloniella sp.  Metrosideros umbellata
1 fungi_icon Hendersonia microsticta Bulbinella rossii dead stems
2 fungi_icon Hypoxylon archeri  
2 fungi_icon Hypoxylon chathamense  
2 fungi_icon Hypoxylon hughesii Melicytus wood
2 fungi_icon Kretzschmaria pavimentosa  
2   Lanzia sp.  Metrosideros umbellata
2 fungi_icon Lophodermium brunneolum Dracophyllum longifolium
2 fungi_icon Lophodermium richeae Dracophyllum longifolium
2 fungi_icon Lophodermium ? sieglingiae Hierochloe sp.
2 fungi_icon Lophodermium tindalii Dracophyllum longifolium
2 fungi_icon Marthamyces dracophylli Dracophyllum longifolium
1 fungi_icon Metacapnodium moniliforme  
2 fungi_icon Moellerodiscus coprosmae Coprosma foetidissima leaves
1 fungi_icon Mycosphaerella nebulosa Bulbinella rossii scapes
2   Mycosphaerella sp. Myrsine divaricata leaf spots
2   Mycosphaerella sp. Dracophyllum longifolium leaf spots
2 fungi_icon Nemania ? serpens  
2 fungi_icon Orbiliopsis callistea Hebe elliptica living leaves
2 fungi_icon Paurocotylis pila sandy soil
1 fungi_icon Pleospora herbarum Bulbinella rossii scapes
5 Phyllachora hauturu subsp. lanceshawii Myrsine divaricata leaf spots
2 fungi_icon Placocoma nothopanicis Pseudopanax sp. leaf spot
3 fungi_icon Rosellinia johnstonii rotten wood
3 fungi_icon Rosellinia mammoidea Metrosideros umbellata wood
2   Stictis sp. nov. Metrosideros umbellata recently fallen twigs
2 fungi_icon Xylaria castorea  
2 fungi_icon Xylaria tuberiformis wood in running water

Sources of data: 

1. McKenzie, E.H.C.; Foggo, M.N. 1989: Fungi of New Zealand subantarctic islands. New Zealand Journal of Botany 27 91-100. 

2. New records from year 2000 expedition. These records are unpublished, based on provisional identifications that may change with future study  

3. Petrini, L. E. 2003: Rosellinia and related genera in New Zealabnd. New Zealand Journal of Botany 41: 71-138. 

4. Johnston, P. R. 2002: Clypeostroma spilomeum and C. hemisphaericum reassessed. New Zealand Journal of Botany 40: 265-268. 

5. Johnston, P. R.; Cannon, P. F. 2004: New Phyllachora species from Myrsine and Rostkovia from new Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 42.