Russula vivida McNabb 1973

General status: endemic
Population: unknown
Decline: unknown
Distribution: known only from the type, collected near the Chateau, Tongariro National Park, 1967
A robust mushroom associated with Nothofagus solandri; 4.5 cm bright madder-red cap, white gills, and sturdy white stalk 3.5 cm long x 1 cm diameter.
Russula spp. are mostly persistent, easily seen, often brightly coloured mushrooms, and most of the 38 species recorded in New Zealand are represented in the Herbarium by numerous collections from several different localities. However, Russula vivida and 4 other endemic spp. are each known only from one or two collections, made on a single date from a single locality:
Russula inquinata, associated with Nothofagus menziesii (Umere, Karamea, 1970)
Russula miniata, associated with Nothofagus sp (Umere, Karamea, 1968)
Russula papakaiensis, associated with Leptospermum scoparium (Lake Rotoaira, 1967)
Russula solitaria, associated with Nothofagus truncata (Mangorewa Gorge, Rotorua 1967)