The Tī Kōuka (cabbage tree) plantation

Manaaki Whenua has set up a trial to investigate the nature of genetic differences between wild populations of Tī Kōuka (cabbage trees, Cordyline australis).
We want to better understand how tī kōuka can maintain itself over a wide range of habitats in order to assist conservation of this taonga species. We also hope to relate the different growth characteristics to their traditional Maori uses.Tī kōuka seeds collected from populations in 28 localities throughout New Zealand were sown in 1994 and seedlings planted out in spring 1995 at 3 sites: Lincoln, Invermay and Auckland. Twenty trees of each population, plus a single population each of toi (C. indivisa) and ti ngahere (C. banksii) were planted.
The 600 trees at Lincoln, Invermay and Auckland are now an impressive sight, especially when in flower.