Campbell Island

Campbell Island
Campbell Island is the most southerly of the New Zealand subantarctic islands, at about 52o 35' south and 169o 10' east, with an area of about 11 331 hectares.
Campbell Island has around 128 native vascular plants, which include several endemic herbs and grasses. Domestic sheep and cattle were feral on the island from 1930 – 1990, heavily modifying the vegetation in some areas. Introduced plants have had a minimal impact on the native vegetation, and remain mostly confined to areas of past human settlement. The main vegetation components comprise grasslands associated with giant herbs, scrub or dwarf heath-like forests in areas with sufficient shelter (dominated by Dracophyllum longifolium and Myrsine divaricata), maritime cushion and turf communities, swamps, bogs and rushlands, and cushion fellfields.
[Source of information: Muerk, C.D.; Foggo, M.N.; Wilson, J.B. 1994: The vegetation of subantarctic Campbell Island. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 18: 123 – 168, 1994.]