References and suggested future reading

Barker GM 2001. Gastropods on land: phylogeny, diversity and adaptive morphology. In: Barker GM ed. Biology of terrestrial molluscs. Wallingford, CABI International. Pp. 1–146.
Barker GM 2005. The character of the New Zealand land snail fauna and communities: some evolutionary and ecological perspectives. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 68: 53–102.
Barker GM, Mayhill PC 1999. Patterns of diversity and habitat relationships in terrestrial mollusc communities of the Pukeamaru Ecological District, northeastern New Zealand. Journal of Biogeography 25: 215–238.
Climo FM 1970. The systematic position of Cytora Kobelt & Möllendorff, 1897 and Liarea Pfeiffer, 1853 (Mollusca: Mesogastropoda). Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Biological Sciences 12: 213–216.
Climo FM 1973. The systematics, biology and zoogeography of the land snail fauna of Great Island, Three Kings Group, New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 3: 565–628.
Climo FM 1975. The land snail fauna. In: Kuschel G. ed. Biogeography and ecology in New Zealand. The Hague, Dr W. Junk. Pp. 459–492.
Hitchmough R, Bull L, Cromarty P 2007. New Zealand Threat Classification System lists 2005. Wellington, Department of Conservation. 194 p.
Marshall BA, Barker GM 2007. A revision of New Zealand landsnails of the genus Cytora Kobelt & Möllendorff, 1897 (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pupinidae). Tuhinga 18: 49–113.