References and suggested reading

Barker GM 2001. Gastropods on land: phylogeny, diversity and adaptive morphology. In: Barker GM ed.The biology of terrestrial molluscs. Wallingford, CABI Publishing. Pp. 1–146.
Barker GM 2005. The character of the New Zealand land snail fauna and communities: some evolutionary and ecological perspectives. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 68: 53–102.
Barker GM 2006. The astonishing diversity of land snails. In: Harvey B, Harvey T eds Waitakere Ranges. Ranges of inspiration. Waitakere City, The Waitakere Ranges Preservation Society. Pp. 130–139.
Barker GM, Mayhill PC 1998. Patterns of diversity and habitat relationships in terrestrial mollusc communities of the Pukeamaru Ecological District, northeastern New Zealand. Journal of Biogeography 25: 215–238.
Cain AJ 1977. Variation in the spire index of some coiled gastropod shells, and its evolutionary significance. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Ser. B, Biological Sciences 277: 377–428.
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Cain AJ 1978b. Variation in terrestrial gastropods in the Philippines in relation to shell shape and size. Journal of Conchology 29: 239–245.
Cain AJ 1981. Variation in shell shape and size of helicid snails in relation to other pulmonates in faunas of the Palaearctic Region. Malacologia 21: 149–176.
Cain AJ, Cowie RH 1978. Activity of different species of land-snail on surfaces of different inclinations. Journal of Conchology 29: 267–272.
Cameron RAD, Cook LM 1989. Shell size and shape in Madeiran land snails: Do niches remain unfilled? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 36: 79–96.
Chiba S 1996. Ecological and morphological diversification within single species and character displacement in Mandarina, endemic land snails of the Bonin Islands. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 9: 277–291.
Cowie RH 1995. Variation in species diversity and shell shape in Hawaiian land snails: in situ speciation and ecological relationships. Evolution 49: 1191–1202.
Emberton KC 1994. Partitioning a morphology among its controlling factors. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 53: 353–369.
Emberton KC 1995a. Sympatric convergence and environmental correlation between two land-snail species. Evolution 49: 469–475.
Emberton KC 1995b. Land-snail community morphologies of the highest-diversity sites of Madagascar, North America, and New Zealand, with recommended alternatives to height-diameter plots. Malacologia 36: 43–66.
Goodfriend GA 1986. Variation in land-snail shell form and size and its causes: a review. Systematic Zoology 35: 204–223.
Gould SJ 1992. Constraint and the square snail: life at the limits of a covariance set. The normal teratology of Cerion disforme. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 47: 407–437.
Hitchmough R, Bull L, Cromarty P 2007. New Zealand Threat Classification System lists 2005. Wellington, Department of Conservation. 194 p.
Solem A 1984. A world model of land snail diversity and abundance. In: Solem A, van Bruggen AC edsWorld-wide snails, biogeographical studies on non-marine Mollusca. Leiden, Brill & Backhuys. Pp. 6–22
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Solem A, Climo FM 1985. Structure and habitat correlations of sympatric New Zealand land snail species. Malacologia 26: 1–30.
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