Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Stakeholder engagement

A significant component of the soil health and resilience programme is to engage with soil health stakeholders and to date a survey and stakeholder workshop have been conducted. In June 2017 a survey "Soil Health and resilience: oneone ora, tangata ora - Stakeholder survey" was carried out. See the Survey tab below for a summary of the findings and the survey report.

In April 2018, around 60 people with an interest in Soil Health joined the research team for a participatory workshop in Wellington. They shared ideas on what a “healthy soil” is from different stakeholder perspectives with the aim of developing a shared vision of long-term soil health in New Zealand. See the Stakeholder soil health & resilience tab for a summary of the findings and the workshop report "Towards an integrated framework: Soil health and resilience Oneone ora, Tangata ora - Building from stakeholder perspectives Workshop Report 2018".

Recent event

The next stage of the programme is to understand policy needs for soil health and a soil health policy workshop was held on 15 May 2019 in Wellington.