
Our Code of Ethics Policy is an over-arching document that links numerous other ethics-related policies and codes of practice, which apply to all staff, senior executive managers, and directors. Policies include a Protected Disclosures (whistle-blower) Policy and guidelines. Every two years, the Audit and Risk Management sub-committee reviews Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research's Code of Ethics policy; it was last reviewed in March 2008 and no changes were made.
Many staff are committed to professional codes of ethics by virtue of membership in scientific and other professional societies. The Manaaki Whenua Code of Ethics Policy complements these. If a correct course of action is not clear, the issue must be raised with managers or, if necessary, the Board of Directors, who review the code biennially. The Board regularly monitors whether the directors, managers, and staff maintain high standards of ethical behaviour, and generally act as good corporate citizens.
As well as setting out an expectation that staff, executives and directors must act honestly and in good faith, refraining from any activities that might bring discredit to the organisation or harm to colleagues, the policy covers points relating to lawful conduct, conflicts of interest, diligence, confidentiality, intellectual property, scientific honesty, fairness in relationships, privacy, environmental sustainability, and animal welfare. There is zero tolerance of corruption and financial fraud.
All policies, codes of practice and guidelines are available to all staff via our intranet 'Staffroom'.