Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Expertise and integration key to success of new science challenge

Friday 29 Aug 2014

New Zealand's Biological Heritage National Science Challenge

New Zealand's Biological Heritage National Science Challenge

Landcare Research Chief Executive, Dr Richard Gordon says the Crown Research Institute is well placed to host the new Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, announced today by Science Minister, Hon Steven Joyce.

“Landcare Research has significant biodiversity and  biosecurity science expertise and, importantly, has strong relationships with  the partner organisations critical to the success of the challenge,” says Dr  Gordon.

“The challenge will require a different style of leadership  to traditional research programmes because of its greater number and diversity  of participants. Landcare Research is recognised as a science organisation that  integrates environmental, social, cultural and economic research and builds  strong collaborations.

“The breadth of our own environmental science spans scales  from soil microbial research to entire landscape management, and links relevant  sectors: government, business, science and Māori.

“As host for this  National Science Challenge we carry the accountability for its success and we  are up for that,” says Dr Gordon. “It is a bold new step in the New Zealand  science system and we are here to make it succeed.”

Dr Gordon says the launch of the Challenge is a credit to  the large proposal team, led by Plant and Food Research and Landcare Research.  “In the space of just 12 weeks, the team comprising 39 partner organisations  developed a compelling science programme to deliver on this very significant  challenge for New Zealand.

“That collaboration bodes well for the future of the  Challenge as we now  work together to  design  the research initiatives that  will help reverse the decline of New Zealand’s biological heritage.”

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