Coprosma key mobile app
Published: 6 January 2015 - by Murray Dawson

The first of our Landcare Research LucidMobile identification apps for smartphones/tablets has just become available.
The Coprosma key is publicly available on the Android Google Play Store and Apple’s iTunes as free downloads.
This free app is for the identification of coprosmas, a large genus of native New Zealand woody plants.
It was created to help identify plants during ecological survey work, but will also be useful to students, researchers, and others in the New Zealand botanical community. A hand lens (10–20×) or dissecting microscope will be needed to see hairs on leaves and stems that are used for identification.
Key authors: David Glenny, Jane Cruikshank, Jeremy Rolfe, and Chris Morse.
The New Zealand TFBIS (Terrestrial & Freshwater Biodiversity Information System) Programme funded creation of this app.
This LucidMobile key is part of a series of free interactive keys for identifying New Zealand native and naturalised plants. Java versions are hosted by Landcare Research.
Other LucidMobile plant id apps will include native and naturalised grasses, native orchids, flowering plant genera and weeds of New Zealand. Murray Dawson is leading the project for creating these apps.