Fauna of New Zealand 68: Simuliidae (Insecta: Diptera)
Craig, DA; Craig, REG; Crosby, TK 2012. Simuliidae (Insecta: Diptera). Fauna of New Zealand 68, 336 pages.
ISSN 0111-5383 (print),
ISSN 1179-7193 (online)
ISBN 978-0-478-34734-0 (print),
ISBN 978-0-478-34735-7 (online)
Published 29 Jun 2012
ZooBank: http://zoobank.org/References/9C478D54-FEB2-45E8-B61C-A3A06D4EB45D
Extracts from publication
- Popular summary: English
- Popular summary: Māori
- Contributor notes
- Abstract
- Checklist of taxa
- Introduction
- Bionomics
- Geographic distribution and altitudinal range
- General structure and terms
- Study methods
- Cladistic analysis based on morphology
- Molecular analysis of New Zealand Austrosimulium [Craig & Cywinska]
- Biogeography
- Age of New Zealand Austrosimulium
- Future studies on Austrosimulium
- Appendix 1 - Craig & Craig collection localities
- Appendix 2 - Geographic coordinates of main localities
- Appendix 3 - BOLD (Barcode of Life Data Systems) accession numbers for specimens used in molecular analyses
Full text of publication
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Supplementary material
Photographs of Craig & Craig collection localities.
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Downloadable files.
Left click on the hypertext link to download and open the file directly; right click to save it without opening it directly or to choose to open the file in a new window or tab. Change file extension of Nexus files from .txt to .nexus in Notepad or Wordpad before using.- Nexus file: Data matrix for morphological phylogenetic analyses
- Nexus file: Data matrix for COI molecular analyses
Molecular analysis: 16S-based tree
- Zip folder file: Austrosimulium COI 800bp sequences
- Zip folder file: tillyardianum-subgroup COI 800bp sequences
Appendix 1 - Craig & Craig collection localities
Appendix 2 - Geographic coordinates of main localities
- Early Paleogeological aspects of New Zealand: Gondwana to Oligocene
- Austrosimulium specimens deposited in E. H. Strickland Entomological Museum, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- BOLD (Barcode of Life Data Systems), Austrosimulium specimens used in molecular analyses. Click on the Public Data Portal. In the search box enter a scientific name to obtain all specimens of a species, e.g., "Austrosimulium longicorne", or enter from Appendix 3 the sample identification or field number to obtain the information for a particular specimen.