What's New in Biological Control of Weeds?, Issue 62
November 2012
In this issue

New Plant Pathogen Containment Facility
Landcare Research’s new ‘state of the art’ transitional and containment facility for plant pathogens and invertebrates is now open and nearly ready for business at our Tamaki site in Auckland.

A Biocontrol Plan for the Cook Islands
A heightened awareness of the seriousness of weed problems in the Pacific region, following the Pacific Biocontrol Strategy Workshop that we hosted in 2009, has led Sarah Dodd and Quentin Paynter to scope out the opportunities for boosting weed biocontrol in the Cook Islands.

Japanese Honeysuckle Project Back On Track
Some of the challenges we have encountered trying to develop biocontrol for Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) have been strange, unexpected and downright unlucky!

Buddleia Takes a Beating
The impact of the buddleia leaf weevil (Cleopus japonicus) continues to impress with some buddleia (Buddleja davidii) bushes being completely defoliated.

Summer Activities
Summer is a busy time for many biocontrol agents. Some activities you may need to schedule include ...