Weed Biocontrol Issue 78
In this issue

Comparing ragwort then with now: part two
In the previous issue we introduced a project where we trialled a new approach that involved revisiting 71 farms on which the ragwort fl ea beetle (Longitarsus jacobaeae) had been released some 20–30 years ago.

Lantana leaf rust off to great start
Although lantana (Lantana camara) has a reputation for being one of the world’s 10 worst weeds, in New Zealand it is mostly only problematic in Northland, with much of the country fortunately being too cold for it to thrive.

Farmers seek biocontrol for smelly weed
Recently Ronny Groenteman was contacted by a high country merino farmer, Gavin Loxton, asking about the possibility of biocontrol for horehound (Marrubium vulgare), a putrid-smelling weed that reduces lucerne yields and wool quality.

Where did giant buttercup come from?
When it comes to giant buttercup (Ranunculus acris), a weed that dominates many dairy pastures in high rainfall areas of New Zealand, we found that it was not a simple task to pinpoint its origin.

Welcome Hester Williams
We are very pleased to introduce a new PhD student, Hester Williams, who is based at Landcare Research in Lincoln. Hester has been awarded a scholarship through Auckland University and the Ministry of Primary Industries to develop strategies to eradicate invasive insect species at the early stage of invasion.

Summer Activities
Summer is a busy time in the world of biocontrol. Some activities you may need to schedule are listed here.