New Zealand Botanists
This page provides references of biographical information for New Zealand botanists arranged alphabetically by surname.

Image - P Heenan
These were published in the Biography/Bibliography section of the New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter, principally by the late Dr Andrew Thompson from 1992 to 2004 (who focussed on notable woman botanists) and the late Dr Eric Godley from 1991 to 2010 (who produced a series of Biographical Notes up to No. 76). Although obituaries contain useful information they are generally excluded here. Also excluded are a few general biographies lacking in-depth information (e.g., on early New Zealand diatomists).
This page updates the 2006 Biography/Bibliography indexes and the links below are to PDF issues of the New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter that contain the original articles.
Thomson, A. D. (2001) Two notable pioneer women botanists in teaching: Olga Adams and Helen Dalrymple. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 65(September): 28-31.
Godley, E. J. (2008) Biographical Notes (72): Kate Violet Edgerley (1887-1939) & Olga Livia Gertrude Adams (1900-1950). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 94(December): 17-20.
ALLAN, Harry Howard Barton
Godley, E. J. (1993) Biographical Notes (10): Harry Howard Barton Allan (1882-1957). The early years. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 32(June): 9-11.
ALLEN, Betty Molesworth
Thomson, A. D. (2002) Notable New Zealand women botanists: Betty Molesworth Allen. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 67(March): 21-22.
ALLOM, Albert James
Godley, E. J. (1991) Biographical Notes (2): Albert James Allom (1825-1909). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 24(June): 11-12.
ANDREWS, Edward Weston
Godley, E. J. (2007) Biographical Notes (67): Edward Weston Andrews (1861-1915). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 89(September): 17-18.
ANNABELL, Joseph Robert
Godley, E. J. (2007) Biographical Notes (66): Joseph Robert Annabell (1857-1924). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 88(June): 14-17.
ARMSTRONG, John Francis
Godley, E. J. (1999) Biographical Notes (33): John Francis Armstrong (1820-1902) and Joseph Beattie Armstrong (1850-1926). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 55(March): 23-29.
ARMSTRONG, Joseph Beattie
Godley, E. J. (1999) Biographical Notes (33): John Francis Armstrong (1820-1902) and Joseph Beattie Armstrong (1850-1926). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 55(March): 23-29.
ARNOLD, Theodore Percy
Godley, E. J. (2008) Biographical Notes (71): Theodore Percy Arnold (floruit 1879-1886). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 93(September): 17-20.
ASTON, Bernard Cracroft
Godley, E. J. (1996) Biographical Notes (22): Bernard Cracroft Aston (1871-1951). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 44(June): 26-28.
BARKER, Samuel Delabere
Godley, E. J. (1993) Biographical Notes (12): Samuel Delabere Barker (1848-1901). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 34(December): 18-19.
BARTLETT, Francis William
Godley, E. J. (1995) Biographical Notes (18): Francis William Bartlett (1896-1979). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 40(June): 14-16.
BAYLIS, Geoffrey Thomas Sandford
Wright, A. (ed.) et al. (2004) Celebration of the life and achievements of Geoff Baylis, FRSNZ. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 76(June): 8-20.
Godley, E. J. (2004) Biographical Notes (53): Henry Bennett (1881-1953). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 75(March): 26-29.
BETTS, Mary Winifred
Thomson, A. D. (1995) Winifred Betts, pioneer New Zealand graduate in botany. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 42(December): 16-17.
BIGGAR, George Valentine
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (46): George Valentine Biggar (1855-1931) and Dugald Louis Poppelwell (1863-1939). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 68(June): 22-25.
Godley, E. J. (2004) Biographical Notes (55): Lilian Suzette Gibbs (1870-1925) and Harry Birley (c. 1863-1924). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 77(September): 19-23.
BLACKWELL, Ellen Wright
Thomson, A. D. (1995) Ellen Blackwell, the mystery lady of New Zealand botany, and “Plants of New Zealand”. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 41(September): 15-18.
Godley, E. J. (2009) Biographical Notes (73): Ellen Wright Blackwell (c. 1864-1952) & Frank Bartram Blackwell (c. 1862-1934). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 96(June): 15-22.
BLACKWELL, Frank Bartram
Godley, E. J. (2009) Biographical Notes (73): Ellen Wright Blackwell (c. 1864-1952) & Frank Bartram Blackwell (c. 1862-1934). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 96(June): 15-22.
BLAIR, William Newsham
Godley, E. J. (2001) Biographical Notes (41): William Newsham Blair (1841-1891). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 63(March): 16-17.
BOLLONS, John Peter
Godley, E. J. (2007) Biographical Notes (65): John Peter Bollons (1862-1929). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 87(March): 14-16.
BOLTON, Daniel
Godley, E. J. (2003) Biographical Notes (52): Daniel Bolton (c. 1793-1860). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 74(December): 14-16.
BROCKETT, Arthur Ernest
Godley, E. J. (2001) Biographical Notes (43): John Harry Hadfield (1887-1960); and Arthur Ernest Brockett (c. 1886-1967). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 65(September): 27-28.
Godley, E. J. (2000) Biographical Notes (39): Garth Brownlie BSc MSc DSc (Cantuar) (1920-1986). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 61(September): 26-28.
BRYANT, William Henderson
Godley, E. J. (2003) Biographical Notes (49): William Henderson Bryant (1864-1948). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 71(March): 11-15.
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (61): Index and corrections to No’s 1-60 (1991-2005). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 83(March): 14.
Rapson, J. (1990) Birthday Celebrations - Ella Campbell. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 22(December): 13-16.
CARSE, Harry
Godley, E. J. (1998) Biographical Notes (29): Harry Carse (1857-1930). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 51(March): 13-16.
Godley, E. J. (1998) Biographical Notes (29): Harry Carse (1857-1930) Corrigendum for Newsletter 51. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 52(June): 24.
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (61): Index and corrections to No’s 1-60 (1991-2005). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 83(March): 14.
CHAPMAN, Anne Maria
Godley, E. J. (2005) Biographical Notes (60): Thomas Chapman (1792-1876) and Anne Maria Chapman (1791-1855). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 82(December): 20-23.
Godley, E. J. (2005) Biographical Notes (60): Thomas Chapman (1792-1876) and Anne Maria Chapman (1791-1855). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 82(December): 20-23.
Galloway, D. (2010) Lichenological memories of John Child (1922-1984) and notes on the publication of Martin & Child (1972). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 102(December): 14-19.
CHRISTENSEN, Charles Edward
Godley, E. J. (1994) Biographical Notes (15): Charles Edward Christensen (1876-1938). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 37(September): 12-13.
Thomson, A. D. (1994) Leonard Cockayne’s gardens in Wellington. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 38(December): 21-22.
Thomson, A. D. (1995) An addition to knowledge about Leonard Cockayne’s proposed book on evolution. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 40(June): 17-18.
Thomson, A. D. (1997) Leonard Cockayne’s library and reprint collection. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 47(March): 17-18.
Thomson, A. D. (1997) A significant addition to the collection of Leonard Cockayne’s correspondence. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 49(September): 22.
Thomson, A. D. (2002) Annotated summaries of letters to colleagues by Leonard Cockayne - 3. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 68(June): 18-21.
CONE, Greta Barbara
Thomson, A. D. (1999) Tribute to pioneer botanist, mycologist and mountaineer, Dr Greta Stevenson Cone. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 56(June): 25-27.
CROOKES, Marguerite Winifred
Thomson, A. D. (1999) Tribute to pioneer botanical enthusiast, pteridologist and conservationist, Miss Marguerite Winifred Crookes. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 58(December): 18-20.
DALRYMPLE, Helen Kirkland
Thomson, A. D. (2001) Two notable pioneer women botanists in teaching: Olga Adams and Helen Dalrymple. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 65(September): 28-31.
DAVIDSON, Mavis Melville
Thomson, A. D. (1997) Tribute to Mavis Davidson pioneer forester, field ecologist and mountaineer. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 50(December): 17-19.
DAVIES, Christopher Pearson
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (62): Rev. Richard Davis 1790-1863; John Edward Davis 1815-1877; and Christopher Pearson Davies c. 1812-1861. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 84(June): 21-24.
DAVIS, John Edward
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (62): Rev. Richard Davis 1790-1863; John Edward Davis 1815-1877; and Christopher Pearson Davies c. 1812-1861. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 84(June): 21-24.
DAVIS, Richard
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (62): Rev. Richard Davis 1790-1863; John Edward Davis 1815-1877; and Christopher Pearson Davies c. 1812-1861. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 84(June): 21-24.
DENDY, Arthur
Godley, E. J. (1998) Biographical Notes (31): Arthur Dendy, DSc (Manchester); Hon. Mem. N.Z. Inst.; FLS; FRS (1865-1925). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 53(September): 25-27.
DIEFFENBACH, John Carl Ernest
Godley, E. J. (2004) Biographical Notes (54): John Carl Ernest Dieffenbach (1811-1855). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 76(June): 31-35.
DINGLEY, Joan Marjorie
Thomson, A. D. (1998) Tribute to pioneer plant pathologist and mycologist, Dr Joan Dingley. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 54(December): 13-17.
Thomson, A. D. (2001) Mrs Audrey Eagle, leading botanical artist and conservationist. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 64(June): 36-38.
EDGAR, Elizabeth
Thomson, A. D. (2000) Tribute to Dr Elizabeth Edgar, leading plant taxonomist and flora-writer. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 60(June): 29-31.
EDGERLEY, Kate Violet
Godley, E. J. (2008) Biographical Notes (72): Kate Violet Edgerley (1887-1939) & Olga Livia Gertrude Adams (1900-1950). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 94(December): 17-20.
ENYS, John Davies Gilbert
Godley, E. J. (2009) Biographical Notes (74): John Davies Gilbert Enys (1837-1912) and Eva Carlisle Richards (c. 1879-1961). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 98(December): 19-24.
FLINT, Elizabeth Alice
Thomson, A. D. (1998) Tribute to pioneer botanist Dr Elizabeth Flint. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 53(September): 23-25.
FORBES, John Kimberley
Godley, E. J. (1994) Biographical Notes (16): John Kimberley Forbes (1900-1976). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 38(December): 19-21.
FORDE, Margot Bernice
Thomson, A. D. (2000) Tribute to Dr Margot Forde, botanist, botanical explorer and pioneer woman botanist in agriculture. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 59(March): 19-22.
FRANKEL, Otto Herzberg
Thomson, A. D. (1999) A brief tribute to Sir Otto Frankel (1900-1998), including a perspective on his time in N.Z. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 55(March): 20-23.
Thomson, A. D. (1999) Additions and corrections to tribute to Sir Otto Frankel, FRS. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 56(June): 24-25.
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (64): Jane, Lady Franklin (1792-1875). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 86(December): 19-22.
GIBBS, Lilian Suzette
Godley, E. J. (2004) Biographical Notes (55): Lilian Suzette Gibbs (1870-1925) and Harry Birley (c. 1863-1924). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 77(September): 19-23.
GODLEY, Eric John
Galloway, D. (2010) Eric Godley, a visionary botanist (1919-2010). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 101(September): 14-18.
Burrows, C.; de Lange, P.J.; Edgar, E.; Esler, A.; Garnock-Jones, P. J.; Mark, A.; Sykes, W.R.; West, C.; West, K. (individual contributions by these authors) (2010) Eric Godley - recollections. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 101(September): 18-24.
Breitwieser, I.; Walls, G.; Wilson, H. (individual contributions by these authors) (2010) Further Eric Godley reminiscences. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 102(December): 13-14.
GOYEN, Peter
Godley, E. J. (1992) Biographical Notes (6): Peter Goyen (1845-1927). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 28(June): 15-16.
Godley, E. J. (1992) Biographical Notes (6): Peter Goyen (1845-1927), an addition. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 29(September): 20.
GREY, Sir George Edward
Godley, E. J. (2010) Biographical Notes (75): Sir George Edward Grey (1812-1898). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 99(March): 13-18.
HADFIELD, John Harry
Godley, E. J. (2001) Biographical Notes (43): John Harry Hadfield (1887-1960); and Arthur Ernest Brockett (c. 1886-1967). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 65(September): 27-28.
HALL, John William
Godley, E. J. (1991) Biographical Notes (1): John William Hall (1830-1915). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 23(March): 17.
HAMILTON, William Smith
Godley, E. J. (2003) Biographical Notes (50): William Smith Hamilton (c. 1824-1903) and William Stewart Hamilton (floruit 1879-1887). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 72(June): 20-24.
HEINE, Ellen Minna
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (63): Ellen Minna Heine (Bleakly) 1907-1989. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 85(September): 12-14.
HELMS, Richard
Godley, E. J. (2001) Biographical Notes (42): Richard Helms (1842-1914). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter June(64): 39-41.
HERRIOTT, Elizabeth Maude
Thomson, A. D. (1997) Pioneer New Zealand women botanists: Elizabeth Maude Herriott. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 48(June): 15-16.
HOARE, Michael Edward
Thomson, A. D. (1996) Tribute to Dr Michael Edward Hoare (1941-1996). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 44(June): 25-26.
HOME, Captain Sir James Everard
Godley, E. J. (2010) Biographical Notes (76): Captain Sir James Everard Home(1798-1853). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 100(June): 16-19.
Godley, E. J. (1993) Biographical Notes (11): Magnus Earle Johnson (1885-1976). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 33(September): 13-15.
Godley, E. J. (2005) Biographical Notes (59): Emma Jones (born Buchanan c. 1835). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 81(September): 20-23.
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (61): Index and corrections to No’s 1-60 (1991-2005). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 83(March): 15.
KING, Phillip Parker
Godley, E. J. (2005) Biographical Notes (57): Phillip Parker King (1791-1856). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 79(March): 20-23.
KINGSLEY, Robert Ingpen
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (48): Robert Ingpen Kingsley (1846-1912). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 70(December): 18-20.
KIRK, Thomas
Godley, E. J. (1999) Biographical Notes (34): Thomas Kirk and England. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 56(June): 27-29.
Short, P. (2002) The publication date of Thomas Kirk’s ‘The Students’ Flora of New Zealand and the Outlying Islands.’ New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 69(September): 20-21.
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (61): Index and corrections to No’s 1-60 (1991-2005). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 83(March): 15.
LAM, Catherine
Cassie Cooper, V. (1992) In memory of Catherine Lam. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 30(December): 19.
LE COMTE, James Ronald
Godley, E. J. (1997) Biographical Notes (25): James Ronald Le Comte (1927-1987). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 47(March): 14-17.
LEIGH, Dennis Huckvale
Godley, E. J. (2000) Biographical Notes (40): Dennis Huckvale Leigh FRIH (1908-1982). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 62(December): 20-21.
LINZEY, John Trevillian
Beever, J. E. (1996) A tribute to John Trevillian Linzey (1916-1996). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 46(December): 22-26.
LOGAN, Francis
Godley, E. J. (1999) Biographical Notes (36): Francis Logan (1784-1862) and Houston Francis Logan (1839-1922). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 58(December): 15-18.
LOGAN, Houston Francis
Godley, E. J. (1999) Biographical Notes (36): Francis Logan (1784-1862) and Houston Francis Logan (1839-1922). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 58(December): 15-18.
Godley, E. J. (2005) Biographical Notes (58): Roderick MacDonald (1824-1886). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 80(June): 17-19.
McINTYRE, John Wood
Godley, E. J. (1994) Biographical Notes (14): John Wood McIntyre (1850-1931). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 36(June): 12-14.
McKAY, William
Godley, E. J. (1996) Biographical Notes (24): William McKay MB, FRCS (Edin.) (1875-1946). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 46(December): 26-27.
McMAHON, Joseph Hobson
Godley, E. J. (1991) Biographical Notes (4): Joseph Hobson McMahon (c. 1874-1948). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 26(December): 13-15.
MALING, Christopher Louis
Godley, E. J. (1997) Biographical Notes (26): Christopher Louis Maling NZC (1841-1916). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 48(June): 16-18.
MATTHEWS, Grace Annie
Godley, E. J. (1991) Biographical Notes (3): Henry John Matthews (1859-1909) and Grace Annie Matthews (c. 1874-1967). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 25(September): 11-13.
MATTHEWS, Henry Blencowe
Godley, E. J. (1996) Biographical Notes (21): Henry Blencowe Matthews (1861-1934). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 43(March): 12-13.
MATTHEWS, Henry John
Godley, E. J. (1991) Biographical Notes (3): Henry John Matthews (1859-1909) and Grace Annie Matthews (c. 1874-1967). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 25(September): 11-13.
MATTHEWS, Richard Henry
Godley, E. J. (1995) Biographical Notes (20): Richard Henry Matthews (1835-1912). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 42(December): 17-19.
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (61): Index and corrections to No’s 1-60 (1991-2005). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 83(March): 15.
MENZIES, Archibald
Galloway, D. J. (1991) Archibald Menzies (1754-1842): New Zealand’s neglected bicentennial botanist. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 26(December): 15-19.
MUNRO, David
Godley, E. J. (2003) Biographical Notes (51): David Munro (1813-1877). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 73(September): 24-28.
NEVE, Frederick
Godley, E. J. (1999) Biographical Notes (35): Frederick Neve MA LlB. BSc (1871-1945). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 57(September): 23-25.
PEARSON, Walter Henry
Godley, E. J. (1994) Biographical Notes (13): Walter Henry Pearson (1832-1911). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 35(March): 9-10.
PHILIPSON, Melva Noeline
Thomson, A. D. (2001) Dr Melva Philipson, a leading and versatile New Zealand botanist. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 63(March): 17-21.
POPPELWELL, Dugald Louis
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (46): George Valentine Biggar (1855-1931) and Dugald Louis Poppelwell (1863-1939). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 68(June): 22-25.
Godley, E. J. (2004) Biographical Notes (56): Alexander Callender Purdie (1824-1899) and Alex. Purdie (c. 1861-1905). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 78(December): 16-19.
PURDIE, Alexander Callender
Godley, E. J. (2004) Biographical Notes (56): Alexander Callender Purdie (1824-1899) and Alex. Purdie (c. 1861-1905). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 78(December): 16-19.
Thomson, A. D. (2000) Notable women botanists in agriculture and a tribute to Joan Radcliffe (1938-1997), a pioneer in agricultural botany. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 61(September): 28-30.
RAWSON, Sidney Herbert
Harris, A. C. & Michelsen-Heath, S. (2006) Sidney Herbert Rawson (1883-1951) Dentist and amateur botanist (specializing in ferns, diatoms, and slime moulds) and his place in the Dunedin diatom group. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 86(December): 22-25.
RICHARDS, Eva Carlisle
Godley, E. J. (2009) Biographical Notes (74): John Davies Gilbert Enys (1837-1912) and Eva Carlisle Richards (c. 1879-1961). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 98(December): 19-24.
RIGG, Lady Kathleen
Thomson, A. D. (1992) Lady Rigg - a pioneer plant scientist. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 30(December): 18-19.
Godley, E. J. (1992) Biographical Notes (7): Joshua Rutland (1836-1915). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 29(September): 20-21.
SHEPHERD, Rona Winsome
Thomson, A. D. (2001) From entomology to horticulture and garden history: the notable achievements of Mrs Winsome Shepherd. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 66(December): 15-18.
Godley, E. J. (1997) Biographical Notes (28): George Simpson FLS, FRSNZ, FNZIV (1880-1952). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 50(December): 19-20.
SHORE, Brenda Faulkner
Thomson, A. D. (1998) Tribute to Otago botanist Dr Brenda Shore. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 52(June): 17-18.
SMITH, Joseph Crosby
Godley, E. J. (1998) Biographical Notes (30): Joseph Crosby Smith (1853-1930). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 52(June): 19-21.
Godley, E. J. (1998) Biographical Notes (30): Joseph Crosby Smith (Addenda). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 53(September): 25.
SPENCER, Frederick Hamilton
Godley, E. J. (1992) Biographical Notes (5): Frederick Hamilton Spencer (1854-1932). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 27(March): 17-18.
Godley, E. J. (2001) Biographical Notes (44): George Stevenson (1878-1960). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 66(December): 18-20.
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (44): George Stevenson (1878-1960) correction. New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 67(March): 18.
Godley, E. J. (2000) Biographical Notes (38): Harry Talbot (1898-1982). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 60(June): 24-28.
TENNANT, John Smaillie
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (45): John Smaillie Tennant (c. 1865-1958). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 67(March): 18-20.
THOMSON, John Scott
Godley, E. J. (1996) Biographical Notes (23): John Scott Thomson FLS, FCS, Hon. FRNZIH (1882-1943). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 45(September): 11-14.
THOMSON, William Alexander
Godley, E. J. (1995) Biographical Notes (19): William Alexander Thomson (1876-1950). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 41(September): 18-20.
TOWNSON, William Lewis
Godley, E. J. (1992) Biographical Notes (8): William Lewis Townson (1855-1926). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 30(December): 17-18.
TRIALL, Arthur William
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (47): Charles Traill (1826-1891); Walter Traill (1850-1924); and Arthur William Traill (1852-1936). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 69(September): 15-20.
TRAILL, Charles
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (47): Charles Traill (1826-1891); Walter Traill (1850-1924); and Arthur William Traill (1852-1936). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 69(September): 15-20.
TRAILL, Walter
Godley, E. J. (2002) Biographical Notes (47): Charles Traill (1826-1891); Walter Traill (1850-1924); and Arthur William Traill (1852-1936). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 69(September): 15-20.
Godley, E. J. (1998) Biographical Notes (32): Arnold Wall, MA (Lond), BA (Cantab), Hon DLitt (NZ), CBE (1869-1966). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 54(December): 17-21.
WAUGH, Thomas
Godley, E. J. (1993) Biographical Notes (9): Thomas Waugh (1832-1896). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 31(March): 10-11.
WILLCOX, William
Godley, E. J. (1995) Biographical Notes (17): William Willcox (1861-1944). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 39(March): 10-12.
WRIGHT, Thomas George
Godley, E. J. (1997) Biographical Notes (27): Thomas George Wright (c. 1831-1914). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 49(September): 19-22.
YEATES, John Stuart
Godley, E. J. (2007) Biographical Notes (68): John Stuart Yeates. The early years (1900-1927). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 90(December): 14-18.
Godley, E. J. (2008) Biographical Notes (69): John Stuart Yeates. The flax years (1927-1938). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 91(March): 16-19.
Godley, E. J. (2008) Biographical Notes (70): John Stuart Yeates. The later years (1938-1986). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 92(June): 16-19(-23).
YOUNG, William Spearman
Godley, E. J. (2000) Biographical Notes (37): William Spearman Young (1842-1913). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 59(March): 23-24.
Godley, E. J. (2006) Biographical Notes (61): Index and corrections to No’s 1-60 (1991-2005). New Zealand Botanical Society Newsletter 83(March): 16.