Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Nutrient enriched ponds and lakes

Nutrient enriched ponds and lakes

Common Name Family Taxon
Cryptophytes Cryptomonadaceae Cryptomonas
Cyanobacteria Microcystaceae Microcystis
Cyanobacteria Nostocaceae Anabaena
Cyanobacteria Oscillatoriaceae Lyngbya
Cyanobacteria Phormidiaceae Spirulina/Arthrospira
Cyanobacteria Phormidiaceae Phormidium
Diatoms Aulacoseiraceae Aulacoseira granulata
Diatoms Naviculaceae Naviculoid diatoms
Diatoms Stephanodiscaceae Cyclotella cf stelligera
Euglenoids Euglenidae Euglena
Euglenoids Euglenidae Trachelomonas
Euglenoids Euglenidae Phacus
Golden-brown algae Synuraceae Synura
Green algae Characeae Nitella
Green algae Chlamydomonadaceae Carteria
Green algae Chlamydomonadaceae Chlorogonium
Green algae Chlamydomonadaceae Chlamydomonas
Green algae Chlorellaceae Chlorella - like unicells
Green algae Chlorococcaceae Polyedriopsis
Green algae Chlorococcaceae Tetraedron
Green algae Cladophoraceae Cladophora glomerata
Green algae Closteriaceae Closterium
Green algae Desmidiaceae Desmidium
Green algae Dictyosphaeraceae Dictyosphaerium
Green algae Dictyosphaeriaceae Westella-like colonies
Green algae Hydrodictyaceae Pediastrum
Green algae Micractiniaceae Golenkinia
Green algae Micractiniaceae Micractinium / Errerella
Green algae Oedogoniaceae Oedogonium
Green algae Oocystaceae Diacanthos
Green algae Oocystaceae Chodatella
Green algae Oocystaceae Closteriopsis
Green algae Oocystaceae Oocystis
Green algae Oocystaceae Selenastrum
Green algae Radiococcaceae Ankistrodesmus
Green algae Radiococcaceae Coelastrum
Green algae Radiococcaceae Scenedesmus
Green algae Radiococcaceae Actinastrum
Green algae Volvocaceae Pandorina
Green algae Volvocaceae Eudorina
Green algae Zygnemataceae Zygnema
Green algae Zygnemataceae Spirogyra
Red algae Batrachospermaceae Batrachospermum
Water net Hydrodictyaceae Hydrodictyon