Good quality ponds and lakes
Good quality ponds and lakes
Common Name | Family | Taxon |
Cyanobacteria | Chroococcaceae | Chroococcus |
Cyanobacteria | Microchaetaceae | Tolypothrix |
Cyanobacteria | Rivulariaceae | Gloeotrichia |
Cyanobacteria | Rivulariaceae | Rivularia |
Cyanobacteria | Synechococcaceae | Aphanothece |
Diatoms | Achnanthaceae | Achnanthes cf inflata |
Diatoms | Bacillariaceae | Nitzschia |
Diatoms | Cymbellaceae | Cymbella |
Diatoms | Eunotiaceae | Eunotia and relatives |
Diatoms | Fragilariaceae | Ulnaria |
Diatoms | Fragilariaceae | Fragilaria |
Diatoms | Fragilariaceae | Diatoma |
Diatoms | Naviculaceae | Naviculoid diatoms |
Diatoms | Pinnulariaceae | Pinnularia |
Diatoms | Tabellariaceae | Tabellaria flocculosa |
Dinoflagellates | Ceratiidae | Ceratium |
Dinoflagellates | Gymnodiniidae | Gymnodinium |
Dinoflagellates | Peridiniidae | Peridinium |
Golden-brown algae | Dinobryaceae | Dinobryon |
Golden-brown algae | Synuraceae | Synura |
Green algae | Characeae | Nitella |
Green algae | Characeae | Chara |
Green algae | Chlamydomonadaceae | Haematococcus |
Green algae | Cladophoraceae | Cladophora glomerata |
Green algae | Closteriaceae | Closterium |
Green algae | Desmidiaceae | Staurastrum |
Green algae | Desmidiaceae | Hyalotheca |
Green algae | Desmidiaceae | Pleurotaenium |
Green algae | Desmidiaceae | Staurodesmus |
Green algae | Desmidiaceae | Cosmarium |
Green algae | Dictyosphaeraceae | Dimorphococcus |
Green algae | Oedogoniaceae | Oedogonium |
Green algae | Oocystaceae | Diacanthos |
Green algae | Oocystaceae | Kirchneriella |
Green algae | Oocystaceae | Coccomyxa/Pseudococcomyxa |
Green algae | Oocystaceae | Selenastrum |
Green algae | Oocystaceae | Chodatella |
Green algae | Oocystaceae | Quadrigula |
Green algae | Volvocaceae | Volvox |
Green algae | Zygnemataceae | Zygnema |
Green algae | Zygnemataceae | Spirogyra |
Green algae | Zygnemataceae | Mougeotia |
Red algae | Acrochaetiaceae | Audouinella hermanii |
Water net | Hydrodictyaceae | Hydrodictyon |
Yellow-green algae | Tribonemataceae | Tribonema |