Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua

Algal factsheet: Vaucheria (Vaucheriaceae)

Diagnostic features

Long branching xanthophycean filaments. Filaments are siphonous (lacking cross-walls, and containing numerous nuclei and small yellow-green chloroplasts).  The siphons often break during examination, releasing clouds of chloroplasts.  Forms dark green felt-like mats.

Typical habitats

Slow-flowing waters or in damp marginal habitats, including low light locations


Common along stream margins above the water.


Kingdom Chromista
Phylum Ochrophyta
Subphylum Phaeista
Class Xanthophyceae
Order Vaucheriales
Family Vaucheriaceae
Common name Yellow-green algae