Facilities and equipment

The ecological genetics laboratory
The Ecological Genetics Laboratory has a range of the latest equipment for high-throughput analyses.
Main laboratory
The laboratory is PC2 accredited and is kept under negative pressure to contain all airborne materials in the lab. All air exiting the lab is filtered.
Our primary piece of equipment is an Applied Biosystems 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer, on which we perform DNA sequencing and genotyping. It is located in its own temperature-controlled room.
We also have three Applied Biosystems 9700 96 well-plate PCR machines, and a Corbett RG-6000 realtime (quantitative) PCR machine.
All PCR setup and bacterial and fungal culturing is done in the two sterile-air laminar-flow cabinets.
Cell culture suite
Located in its own room within the lab is the dedicated cell culture suite. This room has a CO2 incubator for cultivation of mammalian cells, a class II biological safety cabinet, an inverted microscope with digital camera, a fridge/freezer, water bath, storage cabinet, and dedicated lab coats and disposable shoe coverings to ensure sterility.