
Remote microscopy session - Grace Hall providing a ventral view of an ethanol-preserved spider type specimen.
There are many sites with insect and spider information on the Web. Here is a selection that students and teachers may find interesting.
Insect and spider sites
- Book of Insect Records - amazing facts about insects of the world. The University of Florida Book of Insect Records names insect champions and documents their achievements. Each chapter deals with a different category of record.
- What is this bug? - A guide to common invertebrates of New Zealand.
- Gordon's Entomological Page is directed at primary school students in the UK.
- Insects. A unit in the New Zealand English curriculum in which students are involved in a study of insects in their environment. Students are encouraged to observe, investigate, question, and share experiences relating to insects. Although this link is mainly for teachers of students in years 1-3, students of all ages will enjoy the links.
- K-12 Educator Recommended Resources, a US link to a worldwide index of resources about insects and spiders suitable for kindergarten to year 12, and suitable for students and teachers. Find out about insects and spiders in other countries of the world.
- Pictures and movies of insects and other arthropods.
- Te Kete Ipurangi creepy crawlies, a New Zealand link to a selection of resources about insects and spiders, suitable for students and teachers.
- The Young Entomologists Society (YES) gives many fascinating facts about arthropods of the world: for example, the house fly "hums" in the key of F and beats its wings over 20,000 times a minute.
Spider sites
- Spider information from the Queensland Museum, Australia, gives information about spiders (arachnids) found in Queensland as well as many other kinds of animals.
- Spiders in Australia, includes pictures and information about spiders found in Queensland, Australia. This site was prepared by a person who visited Australia from the Netherlands.
Portals to other specialised sites
- New Zealand Terrestrial Invertebrates: the Landcare Research gateway to images and information about specimens and species in the New Zealand Arthropod Collection (NZAC).
- Entomology Index of Internet Resources: a list and gateway to the majority of entomology resources on the Internet.
- Entomology on the WWW: the first site to provide a list and gateway to entomological sites on the Internet.
- Lepidoptera Electronic Resources: links to other sites with information and resources on Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths).