Innovative data analysis programme

The Innovative Data Analysis programme was an MBIE-funded Endeavour research project that ran for 4 years from October 2014 to September 2018. Its overall goals were to research ways to integrate and harmonise high-priority heterogeneous land resource and biodiversity datasets as well as to provide tools for environmental reporting and decision-making.
The programme worked in partnership with a range of stakeholders including regional and central government and was aligned with key initiatives such as the State of the Environment (SOE) reporting, Environmental Monitoring and Reporting (EMaR) and the National Science Challenges. There was also a significant amount of international engagement and collaboration.
There were three main test applications based on indicator domains: soil health, land use, and species occupancy. A key aspect of the project was to develop techniques to characterise the provenance, quality, and uncertainties for data source and recording workflows to enable an auditable process behind any reporting product.
On these pages we provide a summary of some of the outputs from the programme and provide links to reports and other outputs for scientists, regional and central government, iwi and the business sector.

The Innovative Data Analysis (IDA) programme was an MBIE-funded research project led by Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research that ran for 4 years (2014–2018).
Data Federation

Techniques for data harmonisation and integration, developing data processing pipelines, implementing data validation tools and mechanisms to report on data quality and data provenance.
Modelling for Indicators

IDA was designed to develop indicators to inform environmental reporting.
Delivery and Visualisation

Designing delivery mechanism to enable the use of IDA products by central and regional government and other agencies
Supporting IDA

Underpinning the research was the development of tools for data harmonisation, data pipelines, data analysis and data publication.