Delivery and Visualisation
This component of the IDA programme looked at enabling the use of IDA products by central and regional government, other agencies, and scientists. As well as providing data through existing online portals (e.g. the LRIS Portal, Manaaki Whenua’s national land information portal, and OurEnvironment, Manaaki Whenua’s online land atlas of New Zealand), data were made accessible via open standards-based web data services (APIs) including experimental services that used emerging standards, e.g. the OGC WFS 3.0.
The programme also looked at novel ways to visualise data to communicate about state and trend, uncertainty, and data provenance using infographics, interactive visualisation tools, and ‘story' maps.
Land Use - Delivery and Visualisation

Created a set of visualisation tools and infographics including a land cover change viewer to enhance understanding of trends in land use.
Soil Quality - Delivery and Visualisation

Developed and tested a global Soil Markup Language using an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Soil Data Interoperability Experiment (SoilIE).
Biodiversity - Delivery and Visualisation

Developed a prototype interactive app that allows users to visualise New Zealand myrtle tree species occurrences.