Feathered fun
Winning entries 2018

Well done - huge congratulations to our winners. This was a very tough one - so many fabulous entries.
Winning entries 2017

Let your children get creative with the NZ Garden Bird Survey colouring competition. Great prizes up for grabs...
Winning entries: 2016 colouring competition

Brilliant bird masks

Printable masks, both in colour and black and white for colouring in. Why not wear one while you do your survey?
How big is that bird? The Chocolate Fish Index

It is easier to identify a bird when you know how big it is. We have invented ‘the chocolate fish index’ to help you - it compares the weights of 16 common garden birds with our 20g chocolate fish
Where do birds feed? Gardens are like cake

What do cakes and gardens have in common? Layers! Explore some garden layers to find out where different birds feed.
Quiz: Garden bird knowledge

Quiz: how well do you know your Māori bird names?

Test your knowledge and challenge your friends with our Māori bird name quiz.
Quiz: He pai tō mōhio i ngā ingoa o ngā manu?

Māori bird names - with questions in te reo
Quiz: can you identify these birds?

Quiz: E taunga ana koe ki ēnei manu?

Bird quiz - with questions in te reo. Can you combine your knowledge of the two?
Quiz: can you identify more birds?

Brush up your garden bird identification skills - try our quiz and see how many you know!
Quiz: How big is that bird?

Can you work out how many 20g chocolate fish each of these birds weighs? Harder than it seems!