Resources for schools
Next year’s survey: Saturday 27 June - Sunday 5 July 2020
Brilliant bird masks

Printable masks, both in colour and black and white for colouring in. Why not wear one while you do your survey?
The Chocolate Fish Index: schools

It is easier to identify a bird when you know how big it is. We have invented ‘the chocolate fish index’ to help you - it compares the weights of 16 common garden birds with our 20g chocolate fish
Why take part: schools

Find out why you should take part in the NZ Garden Bird Survey.
How to take part: Years 1-8

Watch this video to find out how to work in teams do the NZ Garden Bird survey, and how to enter your results.
Where do birds feed? Gardens are like cake: schools

What do cakes and gardens have in common? Layers! Explore some garden layers to find out where different birds feed.
How to take part: Years 9+

New Zealand Garden Bird Survey: Instructions
Virtual field trip

A three day citizen science field trip hosted by LEARNZ took place in 2016. These resources are still available for teachers to access.
Experiencing birds in your green space

This resource includes a Bird Tally Sheet for Years 1-8. Investigate birds in your school grounds or another local green space, using this Department of Conservation resource. In the inquiry unit (Levels 1-4), students will: gather and interpret data about birds living in a local green space; identify and learn about key native, endemic and introduced birds; and begin to understand how birds are part of a wider ecosystem.
Detailed instructions for teachers

Garden Bird Survey - detailed instructions for teachers
Enter your data

Enter your data online using this form, either as you count the birds or after you have finished counting them.