Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua

Landcare-Research -Manaaki Whenua


A list of New Zealand focused science references on Vespula wasps.

Anon 1953. Combating Vespula germanica menace in New Zealand. NZ Orchardist 26(5): 13,20

Arke RD. 1991. Wasp research directions: strengths, weaknesses, and future directions New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18(2): 223–227

Barlow ND, Moller H, Beggs JR. 1992. A preliminary model for the impact of Sphecophaga vesparum vesparum on the common wasp in honeydew beech forests. DSIR Land Resources contract report 92/05. University of Otago wildlife management report 22. P36.

Barlow ND, Beggs JR, Moller H. 1998. Spread of the wasp parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum vesparum following its release in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 22(2): 205–208.

Barlow ND, Moller H, Beggs JR. 1996. A model for the effect of Sphecophaga vesparum vesparum as a biological control agent of the common wasp in New Zealand. Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 31–34.

Barlow ND, Beggs JR, Barron MC. 2002. Dynamics of common wasps in New Zealand beech forests: a model with density dependence and weather. Journal of Animal Ecology 71: 663–671.

Barr K, Moller H, Christmas E, Lyver P, Beggs J. 1996. Impacts of introduced common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) on experimentally placed mealworms in a New Zealand beech forest. Oecologia 105: 266–270.

Beggs JR, Rees JS, Harris RJ. 2002. No evidence for establishment of the wasp parasitoid, Sphecophaga vesparum burra (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) at two sites in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 29: 205–211.

Beggs J, Harris R. 2002. The status of Vespula vulgaris as a conservation pest in Australasia. In: Proceedings 14th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects, 27 July – 3 August 2002, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan [Abstract]. P95.

Beggs JR, Brockerhoff EG, Corley JC, Kenis M, Masciocchi M, Muller F, Rome Q, Villemant C. 2011. Ecological effects and management of invasive alien Vespidae. Biocontrol 56:505–526. DOI : 10.1007/s10526–011–9389–z

Beggs JR. 1991. Altitudinal variation in abundance of common wasps (Vespula vulgaris). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 155–158.

Beggs JR. 1999. Impact and control of introduced Vespula wasps in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 4th International Hymenoptera Conference. CSIRO. Canberra, Australia, January 6–11, 1999.

Beggs JR. 2000. Impact and control of introduced Vespula wasps in New Zealand. Hymenoptera: Evolution, Biodiversity and Biological Control. eds. A.D. Austin, M. Dowton. CSIRO publishing. 468 pp.

Beggs JR. 2001. The ecological consequences of social wasps (Vespula spp.) invading an ecosystem that has an abundant carbohydrate resource. Biological Conservation 99: 17–28.

Beggs JR, Harris RJ, Read PEC. 1996. Invasion success of the wasp parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum vesparum (Curtis) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 23: 1–9.

Beggs JR, Moller H. 1991. New Zealand wasp research – uncoordinated goals or still stuck in the descriptive bottleneck? New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 230–231.

Beggs JR, Rees JS. 1999. Restructuring of Lepidoptera communities by introduced Vespula wasps in a New Zealand beech forest. Oecologia 119: 565–571.

Beggs JR, Rees JS, Toft RJ, Dennis TE, Barlow ND. 2008. Evaluating the impact of a biological control parasitoid on invasive Vespula wasps in a natural forest ecosystem. Biological Control 44: 399–407

Beggs JR, Toft RJ, Malham JP, Rees JS, Tilley JAV, Moller H, Alspach P. 1998. The difficulty of reducing introduced wasp (Vespula vulgaris) populations for conservation gains. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 22: 55–63.

Beggs JR, Wilson PR. 1991. The kaka, Nestor meridionalis, a New Zealand parrot endangered by introduced wasps and mammals. Biological Conservation 56: 23–38.

Beggs JR, Harris RJ. 2000. Can the wasp parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum significantly reduce the density of Vespula wasps? New Zealand Journal of Zoology 27: 73–74.

Beggs JR, Tilley JAV, Alspach PA, Moller H. 1990. DoC's nationwide wasp monitoring network. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, contract report 90/A for Department of Conservation. P33.

Beggs JR. 1999. The ecological impact and control of introduced wasps (Vespula spp) in Nothofagus forest. PhD thesis, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 197pp.

Berry JA, Harris RJ, Read PEC, Donovan BJ. 1997. Morphological and colour differences between subspecies of Sphecophaga vesparum (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 35–46.

Brownbridge M, Toft R, Rees J, Nelson TL, Bunt C. 2009. Towards better mitigation technologies for invasive wasps, Vespula spp. New Zealand Plant Protection 62: 395

Carmean D. 1991. Biology of the Trigonalyidae (Hymenoptera), with notes on the vespine parasitoid Bareogonalos canadensis New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18(2): 209–214

Carpenter JM, Glare TR. 2010. Misidentification of Vespula alascensis as V. vulgaris in North America (Hymenoptera: Vespidae; Vespinae). American Museum Novitates 3690: 1–7.

Clapperton BK, Lo PL. 1990. Wasp control – a new option explored. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ecology Division. p47

Clapperton BK, Alspach PA, Moller H, Matheson AG. 1989. The impact of common and German wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) on the New Zealand beekeeping industry. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 325–332.

Clapperton BK, Lo PL, Moller H, Sandlant GR. 1989. Variation in colour markings of German wasps Vespula germanica (F.) and common wasps Vespula vulgaris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 303–313.

Clapperton BK, Moller H, Sandlant G. 1989. Distribution of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in New Zealand in 1987. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 315–323.

Clapperton BK, Tilley JAV, Beggs JR, Moller H. 1994. Changes in the distribution and proportions of Vespula vulgaris (L.) and Vespula germanica (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) between 1987 and 1990 in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 21: 295–303.

Donovan BJ, Havron A, Leathwick DM, Ishay JS. 2002. Release of Sphecophaga orientalis Donovan (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) in New Zealand as a possible 'new association' biocontrol agent for the adventive social wasps Vespula germanica (F.) and Vespula vulgaris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae). New Zealand Entomologist 25: 17–25.

Donovan BJ. 1991. Response to Arke. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 227.

Donovan BJ. 1992. Problems caused by immigrant German and common wasps in New Zealand, and attempts at biological control Bee World 73 (3) 131 – 148

Donovan BJ. 1996. Progress with Biological control of wasps. The New Zealand beekeeper 3 (4) 14–15

Donovan BJ. 1999. Biological control of wasps: progress and plans. The New Zealand Beekeeper 6 (9) 10–1

Donovan BJ. 2002. Description of Sphecophaga orientalis sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae), a potential parasitoid of Vespula spp. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Vespinae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist 25: 3–15

Donovan BJ, Marris JWM, Schroeder NC, Read PEC. 1990. Inoculation of wasp nests with the parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum. Proceedings of the Forty Third New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference: 195–196

Donovan BJ. 1991. Life cycle of Sphecophaga vesparum (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid of some vespid wasps. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 181–192.

Donovan BJ. 1984. Occurrence of the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 11: 417–427.

Donovan BJ. 1989. Potential enemies of the introduced wasp parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 365–367.

Donovan BJ. 1989. Vespula germanica (F.), German wasp and Vespula vulgaris (L.), common wasp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). A review of biological control of invertebrate pests and weeds in New Zealand 1874–1987. Cameron, P.J.; Hill, R.L.; Bain, J.; Thomas, W.P. (eds.). Technical communication, CAB International Institute of Biological Control 10, CAB International, Wallingford: 395–399

Donovan BJ. 1991. Nest initiation by German and common wasp queens (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and nest fate at Christchurch, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 95–99.

Donovan BJ. 1991. Spread of Vespula vulgaris (L.) assisted by vehicles. The Weta 14: 24–26

Donovan BJ. 2000. Correction of errors in two recent wasp–related papers from Landcare Research Ltd. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 27: 71–74

Donovan BJ, Howie AME, Schroeder NC, Wallace AR, Read PEC. 1992. Comparative characteristics of nests of Vespula germanica (F.) and Vespula vulgaris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespinae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 19: 61–71.

Donovan BJ, Moller H, Plunkett GM, Read PEC, Tilley JAV. 1989. Release and recovery of the introduced wasp parasitoid, Sphecophaga vesparum vesparum (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 355–364.

Donovan BJ, Read PEC. 1987. Attempted biological control of social wasps, Vespula spp., (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) with Sphecophaga vesparum (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 14: 329–335.

Duthie C Lester PJ. 2013. Reduced densities of the invasive wasp, Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), did not alter the invertebrate community composition of Nothofagus forests in New Zealand. Environmental Entomology 42 (2): 223–230

Dymock JJ Read PEC. 1991. Collection of wasp parasitoids in the USA. DSIR Plant Protection Travel report. 13p.

Dymock JJ, Forgie SA, Wigley PJ. 1991. The responses of German wasps, Vespula germanica, to ingestion of the microbial toxin, avermectin B1. Proc. N.Z. Weed Pest Control Conf. 44:38–41

Dymock JJ, Forgie SA, Ameratunga R. 1994. A survey of wasp sting injuries in urban Auckland from December to April in 1991/92 and 1992/93. New Zealand Medical Journal 107: 32–33.

Eason CT, Batcheler D, Wright GRG. 1990. Toxic bait quality assurance report for 1990 wasp control operations. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation.

Eason CT, Wright GRG, Spurr EB. 1990. Assessment of the environmental persistence of pesticides after wasp control operations. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation.

Elliott GP, Wilson PR, Taylor RH, Beggs JR. 2010. Declines in common, widespread native birds in a mature temperate forest. Biological Conservation 143: 2119–2126

El–Sayed AM, Manning LA, Unelius CR, Park KC, Stringer LD, White N, Bunn B, Twidle A, Suckling DM. 2009. Attraction and antennal response of the common wasp, Vespula vulgaris (L.), to selected synthetic chemicals in New Zealand beech forests. Pest Management Science 65(9): 975–81.

Field RP, Darby SM. 1991. Host specificity of the parasitoid, Sphecophaga vesparum (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a potential biological control agent of the social wasps, Vespula germanica (Fabricius) and V. vulgaris (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Australia. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18(2): 193–197

Fordham RA. 1991. Future wasp research in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 229.

Fordham RA. 1962. Notes on the German Wasp Vespula germanica. Tuatara 9: 24–31.

Fordham RA. 1962. Spread of the German wasp in New Zealand. Tuatara 9: 129–130.

Fordham RA. 1991. Vespulid wasps at the upper forest margin in Tongariro National Park – a threat to the native biota? New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 151–153.

Fordham RA, Craven AJ, Minot EO. 1991. Phenology and population structure of annual nests of the German wasp Vespula germanica (Fab.) in Manawatu, New Zealand, with particular reference to late summer and autumn. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 127–137.

Fraser W. 2001. Introduced wildlife in New Zealand: a survey of general public views. Landcare Research Science Series 23. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, New Zealand

Gambino P. 1991. Response to Arke. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 229.

Gardner-Gee R, Beggs JR. 2013. Invasive wasps, not birds, dominate in a temperate honeydew system. Austral Ecology 38 (3): 346–354.

Gibbs DR. 1980. Predation of the spider, Araneus pustulosa, by the German wasp, Vespula germanica. The Weta 3(2): 13–14

Glare TR, Harris RJ, Donovan BJ. 1996. Aspergillus flavus as a pathogen of wasps, Vespula spp., in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 23: 339–344.

Guzman RF. 1984. Preliminary evaluation of the potential of Steinernema feltiae for controlling Vespula germanica. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 11(1): 100

Harcourt SJ, Harris RJ, Rose EAF, Glare TR, Nelson TL. 1997. The potential of Beauveria bassiana for the control of common and German wasps (Vespula vulgaris L. and V. germanica F.) in New Zealand. Proceedings of 4th international workshop on microbial control of soil dwelling pests.

Harris RJ, Etheridge ND. 2001. Comparison of baits containing fipronil and sulfluramid for the control of Vespula wasps. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 28(1): 39–48.

Harris RJ, Rees JS. 2000. Aerial poisoning of wasps. Science for Conservation 162.

Harris RJ, McDonald R, Calvert P. 1993. A sound–based system for locating wasp nests. Landcare research contract report LC9293/64 for Department of Conservation.

Harris RJ. 2000. Fipronil baits for wasp control. Landcare Research contract report LC9900/119; for Aventis Cropscience.

Harris RJ. 1991. Diet of the wasps Vespula vulgaris and V. germanica in honeydew beech forest of the South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 159–170.

Harris RJ, Beggs JR. 1995. Variation in the quality of Vespula vulgaris (L.) queens (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and its significance in wasp population dynamics. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 22: 131–142.

Harris RJ, Moller H, Tilley JAV. 1991. Weather–related differences in attractiveness of protein foods to Vespula wasps. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 15: 167–170.

Harris RJ, Moller H, Winterbourn MJ. 1994. Competition for honeydew between two social wasps in South Island beech forests, New Zealand. Insectes Sociaux 41: 379–394.

Harris RJ, Oliver EH. 1993. Prey diets and population densities of the wasps Vespula vulgaris and V. germanica in scrubland–pasture. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 17: 5–12.

Harris RJ, Perry JH. 1994. Improved wasp control for beekeepers. Landcare Research contract report LC9495/033 for National Beekeepers Association.

Harris RJ, Rees JS, Barton K, Karl BJ, Thomas B. 2002. Shelf–life of X–stinguish wasp bait and palatability of a Kiwicare formulation. Landcare Research contract report LC0102/111 for Aventis Cropscience.

Harris RJ, Rose EAF. 1997. Fipronil baits for wasp control. Landcare Research contract report LC9697/122 for Rhône–Poulenc New Zealand Limited

Harris RJ, Rose EAF. 1998. Efficacy of Fipronil baits for wasp control. Landcare Research contract report LC9899/016 for Rhône–Poulenc Rural Australia Pty, Ltd.

Harris RJ, Thomas CD, Moller H. 1991. The influence of habitat use and foraging on the replacement of one introduced wasp species by another in New Zealand. Ecological Entomology 16: 441–448.

Harris RJ, Tilley JAV, Spurr EB. 1996. Review of wasp control products and priorities for research. Landcare Research contract report LC9697/048) for Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

Harris RJ, Toft R, Rees JS. 2001. Development of canned X–stinguish wasp bait. Landcare Research contract report ; LC0102/010 for Aventis Cropscience.

Harris RJ, Maitland M, Beggs JR, Toft RJ. 2004. Management of Vespula in New Zealand – a roller coaster ride! In: Entomology: Strength in Diversity. XXII International Congress of Entomology, 15–21 August 2004, Brisbane, Queensland, [Abstract].

Harris RJ, Rose EAF. 1999. Factors influencing reproductive strategies of the vespid parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum vesparum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 26: 89–96.

Harris RJ, Rose EAF. 1999. White and yellow cocoon production in the vespid parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 26: 89–96.

Harris RJ. 1989. An entrance trap to sample foods of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Journal of Zoology 16: 369–371.

Harris RJ. 1995. Effect of starvation of larvae of Vespula vulgaris (L.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) on subsequent survival and adult size. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 22: 33–38.

Harris RJ. 1996. Frequency of over wintered Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) colonies in scrubland–pasture habitat and their impact on prey. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 23: 11–17.

Harris RJ, Harcourt SJ, Glare TR, Rose EAF, Nelson TL. 2000. Susceptibility of Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) to generalist entomopathogenic fungi and their potential for wasp control. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 75: 251–258.

Harris RJ, Read PEC. 1999. Enhanced biological control of wasps. Science for Conservation 115, 39pp.

Innes J, Kelly D, Overton JMcC, Gillies C 2010. Predation and other factors currently limiting New Zealand forest birds. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 34: 86–114.

Kerr GN, Sharp BMH. 2008. Biodiversity Management: Lake Rotoiti Choice Modelling Study. Lincoln University Research Report No. 310

Kilvington M, Wilkinson R. 2001. Public perception of threats posed by invasive invertebrates to the natural environment. Landcare Research contract report LC0001/092

Leathwick D. 2006. Wasp dynamics: A colony model. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 30(1): 151

Leathwick DM. 1997. Growth and development of queen colonies of Vespula germanica and V.vulgaris. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 17–23.

Leathwick DM, Godfrey PL. 1996. Overwintering colonies of the common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) in Palmerston North, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 23: 355–358.

Leathwick DM, Godfrey PL, Fordham RA, Potter MA. 1999. Comparative growth and seasonality of Vespula germanica and V. vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) colonies in the Manawatu region of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 26: 27–38.

Little ECS. 1981. Predation of a caterpillar and other insects by Vespula germanica. The Weta 4(2): 17

Low I, Stables S. 2006. Anaphylactic deaths in Auckland, New Zealand: a review of coronial autopsies from 1985 to 2005. Pathology 38(4): 328–32.

Malham JP, Rees JS, Alspach PA, Beggs JR, Moller H. 1991. Traffic rate as an index of colony size in Vespula wasps. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 105–109.

Markwell TJ, Kelly D, Duncan KW. 1993. Competition between Honey–Bees (Apis mellifera) and Wasps (Vespula Spp) in Honeydew Beech (Nothofagus solandri: Var solandri) Forest. New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 17(2): 85–93

Martin SJ. 2004. A simulation model of biological control of social wasps (Vespinae) using mermithid nematodes. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31: 241–248

McLean JA, Leckie A. 1999. Vespula vulgaris (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) dominates December malasie trap catches in a West Coast honeydew beech forest. New Zealand Entomologist 22(1): 69–72
 Moller H. 1990. Wasps kill nestling birds. Notornis 37: 76–77

Moller H, Beggs JR, Tilley JAV, Toft R, Wilson NJ, Alspach PA. 1990. Ecology and control of wasp populations in New Zealand. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Report no. 90/29 for Department of Conservation. P83.

Moller H, Plunkett GM, Tilley JAV, Ward PJ, Wilson NJ. 1988. The wasp problem on the West Coast: first year research report. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ecology Division. p45

Moller H, Plunkett GM, Tilley JAV, Toft RJ, Wilson NJ. 1988. The wasp problem on the West Coast: second–year research report. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ecology Division Report 24. P39

Moller H, Tilley JAV. 1989. Development of an effective wasp poison. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ecology Division for Animal Control Products Limited. p31

Moller H, Wingham E, Hamilton C, Alspach P, Tilley JAV. 1989. The wasp nuisance in suburban Nelson. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ecology Division Report 16. p22.

Moller H. 1991. Biological control of Vespula wasps by Sphecophaga vesparum – could its success be predicted. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18(2): 227–228

Moller H. 1996. Lessons for invasion theory from social insects. Biological Conservation 78: 125–142.

Moller H, Clapperton BK, Alspach PA, Tilley JAV. 1991. Comparative seasonality of Vespula germanica (F.) and Vespula vulgaris (L.) colonies (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in urban Nelson, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 111–120.

Moller H, Plunkett GM, Tilley JAV, Toft RJ, Beggs JR. 1991. Establishment of the wasp parasitoid, Sphecophaga vesparum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 199–208.

Moller H, Tilley JAV. 1989. Beech honeydew: seasonal variation and use by wasps, honeybees and other insects. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 289–302.

Moller, H, Tilley JAV, Plunkett GM, Clapperton BK. 1991. Nest sites of common and German wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 121–125.

Moller H, Tilley JAV, Thomas BW, Gaze PD. 1991. Effect of introduced social wasps on the standing crop of honeydew in New Zealand beech forests. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 171–179.

Notman PR, Beggs JR. 1993. Are wasps more likely to sting men than women. New Zealand Entomologist 16: 49–51.

Perrott DCF. 1975. Factors affecting the use of mirex–poisoned protein baits for control of European wasp (Paravespula germanica) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 2: 491–508.

Plunkett GM, Moller H, Hamilton C, Thomas CD. 1989. Overwintering colonies of German (Vespula germanica) and common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 343–353.

Read PEC, Donovan BJ, Schroeder NC. 1990. Rearing and distribution of the introduced wasp parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum throughout New Zealand. Proceedings of the Forty Third New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference 191–194

Rose EAF, Harris RJ, Glare TR. 1999. Possible pathogens of social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) and their potential as biological control agents. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 26: 179–190.

Salmon JT. 1963. An arboreal nest of Vespula germanica F. New Zealand Entomologist 3(2): 42–43

Sandlant GR, Moller H. 1989. Abundance of common and German wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in the honeydew beech forests of New Zealand in 1987. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 16: 333–343.

Spradbery JP. 1973. Wasps. An account of the biology and natural history of solitary and social wasps. Sigwick & Jackson, London. Pp 408

Spurr EB. 1987. Wasp control by poison baiting: experimental use of compound 1080. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation. P7.

Spurr EB. 1989. Experimental use of hydramethylnon for wasp control by poison baiting. American Cyanamid Company.

Spurr EB. 1989. Wasp control by poison baiting: Experimental use of compound 1080. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation.

Spurr EB. 1989. Wasp control by poison baiting: I. Experimental use of hydramethylnon. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation.

Spurr EB. 1990. Monitoring wasp control operations: interim report. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation.

Spurr EB. 1991. Response to Arke. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 230.

Spurr EB. 1991. Reduction of wasp (Hymenoptera:Vespidae) populations by poison–baiting; experimental use of sodium monofluroacetate (1080) in canned sardine. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 18: 215–222.

Spurr EB. 1992. Effect of trapping on wasp numbers. Forest Research Institute contract report. P10.

Spurr EB. 1993. Attractiveness, palatability, and effectiveness of baits containing sulfluramid for wasp control. Landcare Research contract report LC9293/113 for Griffen Corporation (USA).

Spurr EB. 1993. Field bioassay of potential wasp attractants. Landcare Research contract report LC9293/078 for Industrial Research Limited.

Spurr EB. 1996: Carbohydrate bait preferences of wasps (Vespula vulgaris and V. germanica) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 23: 315–324.

Spurr EB, Drew, K. W. 1991. Experimental use of sulfluramid for wasp control by poison baiting. Forest Research Institute contract report for Elliott Chemicals.  

Spurr EB, Drew, K. W. 1992. Experimental use of sulfluramid for wasp control by poison–baiting. Forest Research Institute contract report for Elliott Chemicals.

Spurr EB, Drew KW. 1994. Development of baits containing sulfluramid for wasp control. Landcare Research contract report LC9394/130 for Elliot Chemicals Ltd.

Spurr EB, Drew KW, Read PEC. 1995. Use of sulfuramid concentrate in a protein polymer mixed with sardine cat–food for wasp control. Landcare Research contract report LC9596/037 for Elliot Chemicals Limited.

Spurr EB, Drew KW, Sutton ST. 1990. Effects of poison–baiting operations on wasp populations 1990. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation.

Spurr EB. Drew KW, Sutton S.T. 1990. Safety of wasp poison–baiting operations for non–target species. Forest Research Institute contract report for Department of Conservation.

Spurr EB, Harris RJ, Drew KW. 1994. Improved bait for wasp control. Landcare Research contract report LC9495/020 for Department of Conservation.

Spurr EB. 1993. The effectiveness of sulfluramid in sardine bait for control of wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). Proceedings New Zealand plant protection conference 46: 307–312.

Spurr EB. 1995. Protein bait preferences of wasps (Vespula vulgaris and V. germanica) at Mt Thomas, Canterbury, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 22: 281–289.

Spurr EB, Drew KW, Read PEC, Elliott G. 1996. The effectiveness of a sulfluramid concentrate mixed with canned sardine cat–food bait for control of wasps. Proceedings 49th New Zealand plant protection conference 132–136.

Spurr EB. Elliott, G. 1996. User trials with Finitron wasp bait. New Zealand Beekeeper 3: 18–20.

Thomas BW. 1987. Some observations on predation and scavenging by the introduced wasps Vespula germanica and V. vulgaris. The Weta 10(2): 59–61

Thomas CD, Moller H, Plunkett GM, Harris RJ. 1990. The prevalence of introduced Vespula vulgaris wasps in a New Zealand beech forest community. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 13: 63–72.

Thomas CR. 1960. The European Wasp (Vespsula germanica Fab.) in New Zealand. DSIR Information Series No. 27. 74pp.

Toft R. 1996. Finitron® wasp baiting trials in the Waitakere Ranges, Auckland. Landcare Research contract report LC9697/023 for Auckland Regional Council.

Toft RJ, Beggs JR. 1995. Seasonality of crane flies (Diptera: Tipulidae) in South Island beech forest in relation to the abundance of Vespula wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). New Zealand Entomologist 18: 37–43.

Toft RJ, Rees JS. 1998. Reducing predation of orb–web spiders (Araneidae) by controlling common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) in a New Zealand beech forest. Ecological Entomology 23: 90–95.

Toft RJ, Malham JP, Beggs JR. 1999. Mortality and emergence pattern of over–wintering cocoons of the wasp parasitoid Sphecophaga vesparum vesparum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in New Zealand. Environmental entomology 28 (1): 9–13.

Walton GM, Reid GM. 1975. The 1975 New Zealand European wasp survey. New Zealand Beekeeper 38 (2): 26–30

Ward DF. 2014. Options for the biological control of Vespula wasps in New Zealand. Envirolink Advice grant 1414-TSDC100. Landcare Research report LC1684. P27.

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